This cat in Japan has the most disturbing meow: 'ololiloliloliloliloliiiloli'

Then I’ve had 7 chill AF cats. One of those cats would go “MWOOOWwww” before puking, but none of the others, and nothing close to Mr. Ilolio Maru.


Cat was on its rug facing Cat Mecca.

(Stupid rednecks and their tannerite! yallqaeda)


I wonder how many times the cops have been in called to investigate an “apparent murder in progress”.

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Was anybody else aroused by this? I mean, I wasn’t but was anybody else?


My wife says that cat sounds like Bob Dylan.


as a fellow cat owner for the past couple decades, yeah – this cat is scared/angry and giving a warning, i’d say. probably does NOT like the camera.


I was going to jokingly suggest that they had dubbed over the cat with the vocalizations of an old man, but…

Yeah, that’s sort of the problem, isn’t it - it sounds plausibly like a weird cat, but it’s sufficiently out of the norm, even for weird cat noises (while being very human sounding), that one questions just what it really is.

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May I suggest a couple hours of Back-fence Kitty Kabuki:

“I acknowowowowledge your honononononorable presence yet I strongongongongongly disagree with yourorororor assssssssessSSSSment that this wallallallallall … is yoooooooooooooooours.”
[Both/all parties repeat and rephrase as necessary through the wee hours with various neighbors adding suggestions and percussion from time to time]


Or something being held up out of frame. I like how the other cats are like “dude what is your problem? the human is just driving trollies you”



Totally normal lounge cats that can flip cigarettes on their tongues and play with string and each other until it inevitably gets very uncomfortable and mutually destructive, and then you leave the country house and all change petticoats to inside out for 3 years or so, and come back maybe with new cats.
But the back door makes a strange noise when you try to open it…


Just watched this repeatedly with my own cat.
He was VERY interested and tried to talk back to the Ololilolilio cat.


Or she’s about to vomit, my cat does that when she’s about to vomit.

Ok if we’re going to do screaming animals we can’t overlook…The original screaming goat.

I stand corrected: it’s a sheep :sheep:

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My money is on ‘possessed by an ancient japanese house demon’.

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I think the explanation is as obvious as it is disturbing.

It’s a well-known fact* that cats can steal the breath of infants; and that, particularly in slightly older ones, an infant’s vital essence can be high in free phonemes; high enough that a cat’s normal metabolic processes aren’t always sufficient, especially if it has had the opportunity to feed on multiple victims in a short time.

In these cases, as seen in the video here, a cat will engage in ‘phoneme chewing’ to stimulate increased Wernickylase enzyme production by the salivary glands and enable complete digestion.


Cats. Messing up their hoomans since ancient Egypt.

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Eh. Birds are dumb. Cats are lazy. I don’t see much of a mystery. :wink: