This Staples customer broke the leg of a woman who told her to wear a mask

Why is no one helping or interfering? Because in the USA no good deed goes unpunished. Please consult a lawyer if you have questions.


Just about to say this. She is our new Kitty Genovese.

If you took any Psych 101 class in the last 50 years, you heard about it.

I interpreted it as her trying to distance the woman from her by using the cane. She was startled by the woman suddenly appearing, up close and personal, at her shoulder.


Especially since at least one of the people in the red shirts in the upper left are store staff. I can’t tell if the one behind the counter is on the phone or not.

I can’t hear any audio in the clip, but it’s always possible that the woman with the cane said something offensive to the half-masked woman, more than “you need to be wearing a mask”, so other people in the store might be thinking she got what she deserved. What’s the opposite of TMI? NEI? Not Enough Information?

She even looks to be outstretching her arm toward them in a plea for help.

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Plot twist: The half-masked woman is the store manager, and the staff dare not help the fallen woman.

This just adds to the mountain of evidence suggesting these stores should not be open at all. If customers can’t be trusted to buy things without assaulting the staff, either with droplets or with fisticuffs, then there is no public interest to be served by opening those doors.

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Unless you are suggesting this is justification for the attack (and of course you aren’t), then this is irrelevant, because there’s no justification for this sort of behaviour.


Unless you know any of this because it was posted elsewhere, realize you are working hard to come up with excuses for terrible behaviour here. If you think the bystander effect is bad, what is the “must-rationalize-terrible-behaviour” effect?

This is one of the key reasons we have a no-victim-blaming policy here, because people see abhorrent behaviour and opine that there must be a reason for it, and almost always, “the victim must have had it coming” is one of the refrains.


People have always been terrible, but it seems worse now… Especially with everything on video.
Many, many years ago, I was walking into my local grocery store and this elderly lady fell down right in the entrance. I freaked out and sat down next to her to make sure she was OK and asked one of the kids working to bring her a chair. At this point, a guy comes up with his cart and fucking gets all bent out of shape because he can’t get through. Looking right at the lady. I mean, what’s so pressing that you HAVE to get into the store right that second rather than waiting?
I was like, “dude, can you just wait a couple minutes so I can get her into a chair over here?? WTF??”


Nothing anyone says ever justifies breaking their legs. You do not need more information to understand that, you just need sound judgement.


Doesn’t look like Karen this time.

Absolutely, I totally agree. I was responding to the “why is no one helping her out?” Which I find odd myself, but I doubt the other people in the store realized at that point how badly the woman had been hurt.


I’ve biked through Hackensack a couple of times since the pandemic hit. This incident further ballasts my notion that it is the armpit of Bergen County.

The county is all bedroom communities to New York City, has high population densities, and has stubbornly had one of the higher infection rates in NJ. (Which is to say it’s not a rural, Trump-country backwater…)

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There are all KINDS of Karens… Looked to me like someone exercising their perceived privilege, snug in the knowledge will likely never be held accountable

No, the Karen meme specifically centers on racist white women getting caught on camera being over-the-top racist. What you see in this video appears to be battery, possibly aggravated by a ‘Karen’.

Since nothing fundamentally ever seems to change in the US, you can rest easy knowing that the apparent batterer in this video will be caught, prosecuted and harshly punished.


I don’t like the idea of having low-paid, often young & inexperienced employees doing security. They’re barely paid enough to flip burgers, let alone dealing wit potentially violent Karens & the male equivalents (Kens?).

WTF aren’t employers responsible for this? Hire a damn rent-a-cop to protect your employees, FFS.

I’ve only witnessed one leg-breaking in my life (my wife’s); she screamed rather loud and for some time. And she’s built from strong Dutch stock. And isn’t the elderly lady in the video banging on the side of the cabinet?

[Edited to combine posts]

Wouldn’t “Good Sameratin” laws, which I assume most civilized countries have, protect someone assisting a wounded co-human? IANAL, obviously.

It looked like she slapped the side of the cabinet a couple times to get the attention of the staff person seen in the upper left. She gestures towards the staff a couple times. Probably wondering why the heck they aren’t doing anything, as are we all. The whole thing is rather surreal.

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I was going to say I wished the video had sound so we can confirm my suspisions about screaming. Then I figured no, that’s not something I need to hear.

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