This week Trump said he didn't know Prince Andrew. In 2000 Trump said "he's a lot of fun to be with."

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In addition to his dementia, malignant narcissism, and pathological lying, ⊥rump has remarkably convenient selective amnesia.



That Biff constantly lies is a given, of course, and has been for decades. Which only leaves us to consider why he’s lying in any given circumstance. In this case, it’s clear that, one way or another, he knows for sure that Prince Andrew was having sex with underage girls.


If a man has such an immense ego that he truly believes reality ought to reshape itself to match whatever statements are coming out of his mouth at any given moment then does that really count as “lying?”

(Answer: It doesn’t matter, ITMFA)


He can’t not lie. Its his whole being, everything that he is.


It could just as easily be BS or gaslighting or one of the many other tools grifters use. In this case and at this moment, though, he’s trying to hide the fact that he’s had a long acquaintance with someone he knows to be a paedophile.


10 to 20, not 4 to 8.


Well, can anyone ever truly know a person, y’know?

I remember when one of my grandparents was in the last few months of their life and didn’t recognize me at all. You could nearly believe Trump was declining to such a mental state if it weren’t for the fact that “I don’t know him” is Trump’s go-to phrase for, “I did crimes with him.”




Yeah, I was going to say that he should have said “I don’t know Prince Andrew now”. That I can believe since he probably can’t remember much these days. Especially not something that happened 19 years ago. How long before we hear “Bannon, who?”


in the vein of hanlon’s razor - never attribute to deception that which can adequately be explained by senility

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This anecdote isn’t really on topic here, but your reply brought it to mind. Sadly, it’s a third hand anecdote, but it’s both sad and wonderful. I guess being “wonderful” might make acceptable under bOING bOING’s subheading of “mostly wonderful things”

I recall reading, years ago, an author’s recounting of his experiences with his grandmother near the end of her life, after a significant stroke. He wrote something like (paraphrased from memory here…)

To me, that has always resonated as one of the most amazing ways to resolve the grief the author must have felt at her loss.


Trump lies for the same reason that a squid releases ink when it feels threatened. He spews a maelstrom of conflicting and confusing information as a way to hide himself from the truth. It’s a reflex, which is probably no longer even consciously done. Lying and self-aggrandizement have been his main ways of communication for so long that he isn’t self aware enough to recognize it as happening.

By now it’s mixed with incipient dementia. If he wasn’t such a giant asshole capable of widespread harm, it would almost be sad.


I mean, to be fair, I have some exes I would have said 20 years ago were a lot of fun to be with, but now? I would say I don’t know them… /s


My hope for history books of the future:

“It’s speculated that after the 44th President ended his final term, a 45th President must have taken office. However, the People maintained at the time that they never knew of any such President, and records to this day reflect that knowledge of a 45th President is lacking in the extreme. He or she was simply not known. Moving on to the 46th President…”


He’s my plastic Pal who’s fun to be with.

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Complete BS here but as always, the establishment media fails with their reporting of Trump by letting the liar and fraud dictate the coverage by getting the first word (or lie) in. All the media would have do, if honesty in reporting mattered, would be to note in the lede that they’re referring to an unsupported claim or provable lie from a life long liar and fraud. Example: “POTUS today claimed, despite proof to the contrary, that [whatever]”.
Instead we get this idiocy again and again and… Of course, the media’s business decision is that legitimatizing the lying piece of shit with the most vile policies is good for their business and nothing else matters to them.

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