Tim Apple

Ivanka Trump, Assistant President.

No…Assistant to the President


To be fair the president is often briefed on classified tech, and it’s known the military has done literal cloaking research

So maybe he’s not an idiot, instead he just accidentally leaked a TS:SCI program :sweat_smile:

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Trump’s just nostalgic for the days when a surname was a description of one’s profession. You know, Roger Smith, Tim Baker, Samuel Mason, Donald Fuckface


I noticed that too. Usually they dish out memes and propaganda attacking Trump’s detractors (because they’re also Putin’s detractors), but sometimes they slip in a little clip just to remind the world what an amazing feat Russia pulled off when they manipulated America into electing this clown.


“Tim Cook” is probably what he calls the guy who makes him all those hot dogs for lunch.


trump diarrhea-mouth/brain is daily and obvious, there are far far worse examples like the entire cpac speech which is certifiably insane, but I want to highlight something far more serious as it comes up again every week and soon very often

trump is being outright, openly racist every time he uses “pocahontas”

yes, it is racist and just because it’s in broad daylight doesn’t remotely make it acceptable, it is almost as bad as using the “n word” - if you need context, imagine walking up to or past someone who presents as native american in a grocery store and mocking “hey pocahontas !”

it needs to be called out and be 100% unacceptable, the newsmedia needs to put it front and center every time he does it

this is the freaking president of the united states and he’s still going to get at least 40% of the vote in 2020, it is bat-sh*t insane


No one knew to much about [human trafficking] until just recently… it’s been going on for a million years…

I also see the Guardian’s pinned comment:


I guess for a narcissist like him one of the main reasons for having a business is to put your name on stuff.


Haha, so good. “Roger Hamberder” must be the sous chef.


That’s gotta be some kind of divide by zero thing…


I think that’s Tim Doordash.



or perhaps he’s simply a senile old dotard…

Yes, with a brain that’s fried by too little sleep and too much caffeine, probably other stimulants too.


Yep. And in the U.S., blackface is bad, but redface? Meh.

Imagine if he called a politician who’s a black woman Aunt Jemima. Imagine the outrage! But the two terms are no different in my book.


You’re welcome, Don Orange.


We’re done here. You win! :clap:


President Crook.

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The MAGAts are hatsplaining the shit out of this. The main excuse is that he said, “Tim/Apple”, thanking both Tim Cook and his company. So he’s multitasking, while knowing it’ll cause the libs to lose their minds. What a masterstroke on Trump’s part. Wait, I meant ministroke.


I think that’s actually true, on some level. He feels inadequate when he realizes that other CEOs didn’t get their positions because Daddy started the company and they inherited it. So he alters reality to fit, as he does with everything else, to make himself feel bigger.

Yep. This isn’t a one-off, it’s a pattern.

A normal person wouldn’t also keep making the same “mistake.”

It’s worse than that, though. Every time he talks, he says something that’s astoundingly stupid - cognitively challenged out-there, even. Often he says things that are just strings of borderline gibberish. Just yesterday he said, “Human trafficking is a disaster. Nobody knew too much about it until recently. It’s been going on for a million years, actually. It’s been going on for a long time. But we’ve seen it. We’ve spotted it.”

It’s not like he ever says anything smart, either, unless he’s reading prepared statements someone else wrote (and often not even then). He’s incapable of talking about a subject at any length without exposing his total ignorance of it (and the more he talks, the more ignorant he’s revealed to be). I actually find it jarring when, speaking extemporaneously, he says something that even has some relationship to the truth, because it’s so rare.


He was hungry and thinking of a hamburger with some delicious Heinz 57 Tomato Ketchup®™… obviously.

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