To stop school shootings, Herschel Walker wants to set up The Department of Looking at Young Men That’s Looking at Women That’s Looking at Social Media

On voting day, I assume. The GOP can’t be so cruel as to let this man who can barely form a coherent sentence go up against Warnock in a debate, right? [Narrator: they can be that cruel.]


Token Negro Diversity Hire says… what???


I’m no expert on CTE but isn’t the current understanding that playing football for as long as he did, its almost impossible for him to not have some level of damage from it? He’s also spoken publicly about having DID, I can’t imagine there is much research on the effect of CTE on DID. I’m autistic so I would not want to say that someone with DID or even CTE couldn’t run for office but I also live in Georgia and this guy has definitely said enough weird shit that we need to consider if he’s mentally fit to be running for office.

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There’s no need to ascribe his words or actions to CTE. He’s not saying anything dumber than any other member of his party.


So. . . basically every straight male teenager in the USA that isn’t Amish?

Except if you count out the syllables it’s not much shorter.


Maybe Mr Walker isn’t a good public speaker (though, as a politician, that is kind of a big part of the job), or maybe he is a total fucking lack-wit, gushing word-slurry from his mouth-hole? :thinking:

“Ah do declare, ah eat prunes at every meal. Ah am very well regulated!”


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