Today in transphobia (Part 1)



instructions were given not to discuss the cases through state emails or phones — only on personal devices, or face-to-face.

No discoverable info. That’s not suspicious, nor terrifying, at all, now is it?

The cases were to be referred to as “special assignments” rather than using a case name or number,

“I don’t know how many times they go into the cases, but we’re told that if we get one of these cases, the documentation has to be almost instant because it’s being monitored,” she said.



And it’s obvious that this exemption will be exploited to target LGB kids who under the pretext that they’re not presenting the “correct” masculine or feminine gender norms - to prevent them from being trans.

Because we’re not valid human beings. So exterminating our kind is a kindness. No just encouraged, but required.


As the annual Transgender Day of Visibility came to a close Thursday night, two Newsmax hosts went all-in on attacking transgender people

Not the worst anti-trans occurrence yesterday, but gotta kick us while we’re down I guess.

declaring the “transgender push” is about “separating children from their parents.”

Like in Texas, where they want to take trans kids away from their supportive parents?

“The goal is ultimately to make sure that the children are items that the state can control, that they have control over their opinions, their minds,” said Johnson, a top official at the far right-wing Trumpist organization Turning Point USA.

My mistake, he wasn’t talking about Texas. But…
sure, good point /s

Speaking in very broad terms Johnson falsely suggested support for LGBTQ rights is “the kind of stuff that is society and civilization killers, because they want to destroy the family units.”

then attacked one of the highest-ranking officers in the U.S. Military, Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram…Stitchfeld and Johnson continued their attack, with the former claiming Fram is an “inspiration” to China and Russia who want the entire U.S. Military to be “filled with Brees,” and the latter baselessly fear-mongering America is be defeated in battle because of transgender service members.

They might be right, the manly anti-trans Russian army is kinda proving their point right now /s

Here’s some bonus transphobia from Fucker.

Carlson demanded to know why transgender people haven’t existed longer than four years.

Five years ago in 2017, Carlson got owned on his show by Jillian Weiss, a transgender civil rights attorney who specializes in LGBTQ discrimination cases.


“An immigration judge denied González’s asylum claim. She appealed the decision to the Virginia-based Board of Immigration Appeals, which also rejected it.

“Any reasonable adjudicator would be compelled to find a pattern or practice of persecution against transgender women in Honduras,” reads the 10th Circuit ruling.

González spent nearly three years in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody until her release from the Aurora Contract Detention Center, a privately-run facility in suburban Denver, on July 14, 2020.“


mike yard no shit GIF by The Nightly Show

Let’s take in all the trans folks from where every they’re under threat and expel all our bigots to Russia… Maybe if we exchange bigots for all the wonderful souls who just want to live with peace, we’ll finally achieve the real promise of America…


Jaime Camil Love That GIF by CBS


Embiggening asshole’s profile pic:




In searching that image it appears to be an AP photo from 1959 of Castro’s forces executing Batista’s people.

Google translate of the info in that picture post above:

“ AFTER THE EXECUTION [A.P.l. The number of Batista supporters executed in Cuba until late yesterday reached 217. The number of people still waiting in line to be executed exceeds two hundred.”


An execution for a profile pic?
I wish I wasn’t shocked.


It’s without question a death threat.


How the far-right is turning feminists into fascists

ANALYSIS: The terrifying confluence of anti-trans thinkers, American evangelicals, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists and global purveyors of dark money poses a much bigger threat than you might realize


Good article, not how I should have started my morning though.


Damn… Damn. That is a terrifying and enraging read, but way too believable. I have to wonder if we are going to add Nazis to the list of fucked up ideologies that lost a war but won a peace.


I have nothing particularly profound to add, but this morning a trans friend was getting harassed on twitter. I’m not active there to help, and honestly she doesn’t need my help, but it does make me want to say something. It’s really early here so I hope it’s coherent and apologies if not.

The central idea seems to be that chromosomes don’t change and XY = man and XX = woman. That’s of course wrong, but also I think in a very particular way that denies the world can be complex. I think nobody has a better understanding of their gender than trans and non-binary people, since they’re the ones who have actually had to care about it. But more generally they’re both an example of how humanity grows past pretty much any boxes you care to put it in. We’re really diverse. It’s the best thing about us.

And almost all of these things are about hating that. Hating that not everyone fits into two chromosomal boxes, and that not everyone in those boxes acts the way you’d expect. Hating that you can’t tell what a person is like from their skin color. Hating that there are multiple valid ways a person might try to live their life. Of course the anti-trans movement has fallen in with fascism. It’s all the same impulse, loving simplicity and control and hating that humans aren’t built that way.

It occurs to me that people have argued that the term TERF is unfortunate because they’re not truly feminists, and I think I am going to start using this as the F instead, even if it makes it redundant.



That fits a lot better.
You can also change the acronym and call them a Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobe.


Hmmm… How’d that alignment with fascists work out for old Serena…

Yvonne Strahovski Book GIF by HULU



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