Today in transphobia (Part 1)

Fair and I’ve heard that. I personally don’t like it that much though. It’s not as recognizable and isn’t likely to become so, and it seems kind of trivializing…a fart can be unpleasant but is typically harmless, natural, and often thought of as comical. These people are more like sour gas leaks. We do our best to contain them or we watch those around them get hurt.


One can certainly mix it up when speaking to different audiences.

Bigots, haters, trans eliminationists, reactionaries, deniers of the rights to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness, promoters of harming trans kids, people with unhealthy interest in children’s genitals, anti- family activists, assholes, shitheads, people who fucked around and are about to find out.


I saw a video recently that takes on the oversimplified concept of sex and pretty much demolishes it (and the person who made the video admits he’s not including every complexity):


trek infinite diversity rainbow idic shirt

I try to remember to use TER instead, because any ideology that doesn’t respect all women is by definition not feminist. Though I’m usually tempted to use other, not-so-nice language instead, or in addition to it… :smiling_imp:


That is an absolutely fantastic video. Only problem is that he ackowledges how complex it really is, and this won’t fit on a t-shirt. Also love that he seems to have independently arrived at the clouds and boxes model! :grin:


Animated GIF

The guidance makes multiple references to biological sex, “because this is how legal sex is defined under the Equality Act for people who do not have a Gender Recognition Certificate”. The phrase biological sex does not appear in the Equality Act.

In parts, when discussing trans inclusion, it refers to people “of the opposite biological sex”.

Stating that banning trans folk can only be done if there is “good reason based on evidence” to do so, the EHRC lists examples of providers having or do not have a “legitimate aim” to ban trans users.

Jo Maugham, barrister and director of the Good Law Project, said the guidelines could have been much, much worse.

“If you think this version is bad, you should read previous iterations,” he told PinkNews .

Former staffers told Vice that they had talked EHRC chair Kishwer Falkner down from adopting “a totally gender critical position”.

Maugham added: “It is extraordinary that a body statutorily charged with protecting the dignity and rights of trans people is having to be restrained by civil servants from throwing them further under a bus.”


“Mutilating bodies and removing the genitalia of children is permanent,” Graham ranted about the paper that said that affirming a child’s gender can reduce depression, drug use, and suicide risk. “All of their manipulated research saying that it improves mental health or increases happiness is just a lie from hell. What it really does is destroy the lives and futures of these children.”

suck my dick middle finger GIF


What a colossal piece of theocratic fascist garbage. And I don’t really care if my newfound ability to feel happy is a lie from hell, if their god was half as loving as they say I wouldn’t have spent most of my life a depressed, dysphoric mess.


Rich fraudster says what?



I’m a godless heathen but I’m totally on board with your vibe.


Same. It really grates on me when those types tell me I’m messing with their god’s plan. I was made trans, I tried to not be for way too long and at great cost. According to their logic that I was created perfectly by god, god must have made me to suffer. And I don’t believe in any loving god who would do this to me.

For the record I love being trans. It’s really neat and I love it. I don’t love what those asshats make my lived experience though.


A guy Franklin’s age shouldn’t get himself so upset. It’s not healthy.

He should learn to relax - maybe take up golf.



Time for a general reminder that gender reassignment surgery has been going on for generations, it’s just that it used to almost always be without the consent of the person involved. That’s what happens to intersex babies.

Makes me wonder if it’s the ability to give enthusiastic consent that’s really at the bottom of this.


“Be yourself!”
“I’m trans.”
"Not like that!!"


It’s been going on for generations for trans people too.

And thousands of years using the techniques available back then. People knew how to remove testosterone and did so.


Pedantic point, but seriously, no one to my knowledge is advocating for, nor performing, gender confirmation surgery on minors. This is just another strawman argument from a disgraced hypocrite.

ETA @chgoliz is absolutely correct, but i would not classify that as gender confirmation, but forced gender conformation


Agreed. You’ll notice I called it “gender reassignment surgery”.


It’s one thing for the world to be crumbling before your eyes. It’s entirely another to have everyone act like you’re overreacting.

And when we try to fight against it, we’re told that we’re making too much of it, or that it’s actually fine and just about politicians trying to get re-elected.

When mainstream news under-reports the issues, it can feel like those outlets are implicitly implying that what’s happening to us doesn’t matter. And when you try to challenge that view, they hit back with statistics. “You represent less than 1% of the US population,” they say. Well, that’s still about 1.4 million adults and counting. And it’s not even adults who are under attack right now: it’s kids.

And for people who think that our struggle isn’t a life-or-death one, may we call your attention to the startling number of states in which a trans “panic defense” for murder is still 100% fine and legal.


They always have a story about some nefarious “transgender” and that story’s always bullshit.