But it’s not acceptable to the British Pavlovian Session!
I stopped myself from wearing the clothes I wanted when I was a teenager, still trans. I did live through nearly 25 years of misery and am lucky to be alive though. Is that what the NHS Board wants for all trans people (rhetorical)?
Sadly, yes.
(I know, it was rhetorical)
I’d say it’s more what lobbyists want, but the result is the same for kids.
This fucking timeline should be pruned.
Tricky but there is a lot of dead wood to get rid of.
That was not a pun
I guess i should add (not that you need this) that forcing kids to cover up their dysphoria is not the same as making it go away. Like so many issues for transphobes, it comes down to “you living your life makes me uncomfortable, so you should not be allowed to do so. My comfort is far more important than your mental health, or even survival.” It’s an attitude i cannot wrap my head around. I recall a discussion between a very religious, very conservative friend and an openly gay friend in residency which concluded with the gay friend saying, “The biggest difference in our worldviews is that you can exist in my world. I am not allowed to exist in yours.” That pretty much ended it. There was no reply. Very similar here.
True, succinct, and incredibly depressing.
Puberty blockers were the compromise.
The manner in which conservatives demonized them is a textbook-ready demonstration of the folly of trying to compromise with conservatives.
Any trans kids who want to skip straight to HRT should be able to.
“Being trans is a normal aspect of being human, and the vast majority of trans kids who seek specific medical intervention are still doing so a decade+ later” is the reality.
But we know the world we live in, so we compromise kids well being and desire to have a correct puberty like their cis friends to “ok fine they can block puberty until such time as uninvolved third parties are less scared”. And it’s still not enough for them even if it’s a bitter choice for us.
And this conceals an unstated position: that the outcome they are terrified of, for the very small amount who might regret it, is not too different from the lived experience of nearly every trans person who transitioned after their first puberty.
That given the choice between 98 happy trans people and 2 people with post puberty dysphoria they will declare the risk to the later 2 a fate worse than death. And for that to be true they must think that being trans is a tragedy.
And more so they must believe that the perceived well being of the two theoretical “cis” kids who regret medical transition are more valuable than the lives of the 98 trans kids whose lives were improved or even saved.
I hope the religious friend got that through their head…
Oh that poor, poor filthy rich woman. I can’t imagine anyone who has been treated worse than that. /s
I know, right? It has to be so difficult being a billionaire. /s
(I know you’re being sarcastic but I couldn’t resist offering a recent example.)
a.k.a. “i’m worried about losing residuals”
It’s TERF Week at the BBC this week
CNA complains that trans people are out to get her without ever mentioning trans people
Oklahoma has released one of the worst anti-transgender bills I have seen in any state legislature yet. This bill, HB1011, would make it a felony for a doctor to provide gender affirming care for transgender patients up to the age of 21 years old . Not only would this bill forcibly medically detransition transgender youth, but it targets transgender adults as well. We are witnessing the Overton window on gender affirming care move in real time - whereas just a few years ago, all of the transgender bills were about bathrooms and sports, now they have become increasingly eliminationist in attempting to forcibly detransition all transgender people.