Today in transphobia (Part 2)

The only Themis I know is one of the two major bar prep companies in the US, the other being Barbri. I’m assuming it’s not the same group.


I was looking up a case. and this page popped up.

ah, yes


Yep, definitely not the same Themis. The group behind Themis Resource Fund appears to be Genspect. Their Board is a Who’s Who of right wingers, anti-wokers, and gender criticals.

Themis appears to be a resource for people destransitioning to find attorneys to help them sue the doctors who helped them transition. At least, that’s according to their website. Since there are, statistically, so few people who actually detransition out of regret, I suspect their real purpose is to collect stories to use in “research” papers criticizing gender affirming health care, especially for minors.


Themis seems to be a common name used in various companies in the legal field. Themis is the Greek Goddess of justice, law, order, and custom. So there is Themis Bar Review, Themis Resource Fund, Themis (a governance, risk, and compliance software), another software company called Themis that makes some kind of financial crime analysis software, and probably a number of local or regional legal related companies around the country. I guess it’s not a trademarkable name, on its own, because it’s the name of a Greek Goddess. But it sure seems likely to cause confusion.


Stewart v Turco

It has been my experience that when you see overly dramatic language in a legal complaint, like this…

but instead sent her down a deeply ruinous path of radical medicalization and surgeries

that the lawsuit is usually without merit and fails pretty hard. When the law and the facts are on your side, you don’t need to resort to dramatic language. Not in the official complaint. At trial, sure. Juries are made up of ordinary people, and they respond to drama. Judges are not and do not.

There’s a saying in the legal profession. “When the facts are on your side, pound the facts. When the law is on your side, pound the law. When neither are on your side, pound the table.” This overly dramatic language in a complaint is the written equivalent of pounding the table.

ETA: I skimmed the rest of the complaint. They’re basing the entire lawsuit over a failure to get fully informed consent. I promise you the doctors and the hospitals will have informed consent for all of Stewart’s treatments documented out the wazoo. So I think this lawsuit will fail pretty hard. Also, throughout the complaint is language like (I’m paraphrasing), “The doctors misled Amanda into believing she could become a man.” So I know that’s bullshit because that’s not the kind of language anyone in the world of gender affirming care uses. They speak more in terms of gender identity and procedures that can make external physical traits more closely align with that gender identity. They don’t use language like “turning a woman into a man”. It really gives away the inherent bias in the lawsuit that they’re not even using the formal medical terminology.



Someone tell me that Labour aren’t transphobic and that I should vote for Anneliese Dodds. I fucking dare you!

ETA: My experience of conversion therapy was from “regulated counselling”


A return to Section 28, and he’s going to meet Petunia Dursley.

Where is that arsehole who tried to tell me that Sir Keith was not transphobic?


“Lawmakers in a New York county passed legislation on Monday that would ban female sports teams from using athletic facilities unless they exclude transgender women and girls ― the latest move in the nationwide Republican-led effort to block transgender people from playing sports on teams that align with their gender identity.“

So you start an inclusive intramural baseball league - you can’t use the public parks?




“For the reasons explained below, we conclude the Legislature made a permissible, rational policy choice to limit the types of available medical procedures for children, particularly in light of the relative nascency of both gender dysphoria and its various modes of treatment and the Legislature’s express constitutional authority to regulate the practice of medicine.

What. The. Fuck. Nascency of gender dysphoria and treatment? I knew we lost a lot of history when Hirschfeld’s clinic library was burned in the 30s, but this stuff has been known for ages. The first western GCS (1952) was 15 years before the first heart transplant (1967), but that’s not considered controversial. This is just so wrong, it fills me with rage…


We need a “Tale of Two Cities” reaction emoji for stories like this - celebration for the verdict, but anger at the asshat franchise management. :rage:


But her former employer promised to appeal.

This is one of those cases which would inevitably end up in the ECtHR, where the franchise will lose badly. Any decent lawyer would be advising them to give up, before they waste more money.


WTF does this mean?

In a follow-up email, Wright said he should not have used the word “consensual,” “since there technically is no such thing.”


I am guessing that prisoners are seen as having no rights to their own bodies, and therefore cannot consent to sex?