Today's mass shootings

can’t live in texas, really.

( and besides the ever present antagonism outside some very specific areas, it’s like 5 million degrees during summer. and not getting any better with climate change )


Yep, averaging more than 1 a day. That’s pretty fucked up.


I’m glad my grandparents didn’t live long enough to see their hometown become unrecognizable to them. :disappointed: Racine is way too small of a city to have shooty cops and even shootier funeral attendees (WTAF).


In today’s installment of “Who Wants to be the Next Florida,” I present:


Alberti also said she is concerned about it becoming teachers’ responsibility to shoot a gunman and worries what would happen to teachers if they were to shoot and miss.
If signed into law by the governor, it would create a minimum training commitment of 24 hours for teachers who voluntarily choose to carry guns in schools.

And I suspect the ones who would volunteer to carry would be kind of weekend warrior cowboy cosplayers who should absolutely not be allowed to carry. Actually, a Catch-22 sort of thing might be appropriate here.


Responsible gun owner killed with their own gun. Need I add, AR-15?


You don’t think you should give a couple paragraphs of technical specifications to make sure we properly understand the significance of that? One would hate to have any uneducated opinions about murder weapons after all.


I’m just an ignorant unfrozen caveman physician. I don’t know nothin’ about boom sticks. They frighten and confuse me.


It’s shaping up to be a long hot dangerous Summer.


Spineless bastard:

Jacobs on Friday said every GOP elected official who endorsed him in his reelection bid has withdrawn their support since he backed gun control measures last week. He also said he lost the backing of GOP committees and the Republican and conservative parties in New York State.

The congressman said he ultimately decided to back out of the race to avoid an “incredibly divisive election.”


As I tried to explain to a sweet summer child commenter who still believes that the GOP can be reasoned with on these matters…

The party dropped support for Jacobs the minute he showed his was open to more stringent regulation. They’d rather lose an incumbent candidate in NY state than allow him to challenge the dogma behind their Moloch worship.


Divisive to whom? The party of guns? Why support that party at all?


He was made an example of by the Death Cult.

At least his children can look up to him. His Death Cult Buddies not so much.


Every step of the way those cops in Uvalde keep finding new ways to demonstrate what utterly worse-than-useless bastards they are.


To be fair, no one wants an election where candidates may have different points of view. /s


But About the Keystone Kops

Uvalde is a small town, about the size of Taylor, although it is the seat of its rural county. It’s fought well above its weight throughout its history, having produced a vice president and speaker of the U.S. House (John Nance “Cactus Jack” Garner), a governor of Texas (Dolph Briscoe), and perhaps a future politician in Matthew McConaughey. (And Roy Rogers’ wife and cowgirl co-star, Dale Evans! But not her horse Buttermilk, who was from Wyoming.) The surrounding countryside includes some of the most beautiful parts of the Texas Hill Country, so lots of people have been to Uvalde, but it is still a small town.

Which makes the mass murder of small children in the heart of town something that’s going to hit almost everyone in town where it hurts. They have been deprived of the succor that survivors often turn to in such cases – that the people in charge did all they could, that they were brave, that they were willing to sacrifice themselves if necessary to save the lives of little kids. On Wednesday of last week, they were told that pleasing fable by Abbott himself. It was all a lie, or at the very least a fantasy that people so desperately wanted to believe that it took on a life of its own.

It feels like punching below our weight to expect the Uvalde Consolidated ISD police force, which led the efforts on scene, to respond flawlessly to an active shooter armed with weapons far more powerful than their own. Attention is focusing more closely on the bad decisions of the chief of that force, Pete Arredondo, which complicates the fact that he just got elected to City Council. (He had to take his oath of office in secret, lest trouble break out.) Apparently, he’s stopped cooperating with the Texas Department of Public Safety’s investigation of the massacre. But the point remains – these are small-town cops who were first on the scene, this is traumatic for them too, we should have some compassion.

That’s been made impossible by the exposure of the many, many lies that were told about the police response, not just by Arredondo but by a lot of people who should have known better or who could have seen the different reality with their own eyes. It’s one thing for rumors and disinfo and bullshit to spin out of the socials and get sucked up by the partisan noise machines. It’s another thing when all the official sources are telling lies to one another. (emphasis added)


I’m pretty sure that was a violation of the Open Meetings Act and I’m hoping a lot of people sue. Some nice fines for those assholes. Whether he did anything right* or not, arrendondo should have had the decency to resign

*Edit: by this I mean he totally did a lot wrong. We’re probably going to find out he did even more wrong. But even if he did everything right, 19 children and 2 teachers died on his watch. The people of Uvalde should not be expected to get past that and trust him. Much less so with his incompetent, definitely cowardly, and possibly criminal decisions.


They don’t seem to understand that they’re not in control of the narrative, and never will be again

For the rest of their lives, and then some, “Uvalde cops” will be a quick metaphor for everything wrong with law enforcement in America

Anything they have to say about it now just makes it worse—they can’t unshoot all those kids


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“Responsible Gun Ownership”