Today's mass shootings

Used to live not far from where the Lewiston shootings took place (feel like I can’t just say “the shootings” because 'Merica sob) and when I heard the news my first thought was to run through a list of people I knew with the potential to do such a thing. And it was more than a handful. This country is so messed up! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :weary: :sob:


Not only that but he was a firearms instructor in the Army Reserves. Now, that MOS comes with a lot of responsibility, federal firearms license, all that good stuff. And he had very recently been institutionalized?

How the HELL did he have access to guns? He was a known threat!

Like, I have a military-adjacent job and we have mandatory training every year along the lines of “If you see something, say something. We’d rather get 20 reports a day that end up being nothing than miss something and have it end up on the news.”

Well, obviously someone said something if he ended up in a mental hospital, and they still utterly failed to keep people safe.


Authorities got a 911 call from a person who spoke to one victim around 11 p.m. and then found the bodies when they stopped by the home, Capt. Eric Pope said in a news conference. The victims are four men and one woman who range in age from their mid-30s to 80s, he said.
“This is not normal for our community. It is not normal for any community,” he said. “It should shock the conscience.”

What the hell planet have you been living on? In 2023 USA, this is fucking normal for any community! But he is right, it should shock the conscience. It won’t, but it should.


CNN is live, they appear to be catching the shooter at his house right now.


That seems to be the case.
We’ve all been under lockdown since last night, those of us lucky enough not to have been shot, btw.
To all the “free dumb” nuts and 2A activists: how the heck does 100,000 of us losing our freedoms so that one homicidal maniac can have his specific “freedom” make any logical sense?


CNN just reported an information officer confirmed they do not know if he’s in the house.


And, they were correct. He was not. Is still “at large” and we’re all still on lockdown. The Mr. went out last night to grab some supplies but everything was closed, even the 24/7 gas stations. I don’t even know if UPS and other stuff like that is running.
My hope is that he tried to cross the river at the boat launch in Lisbon where they found his car and they’ll find his body washed up downstream. But it seems like they would’ve found it by now.


I’m thinking he did himself in deep in the woods and it might take a while to find his remains.

Either way I hope everyone gets the all clear really soon.


ABCNews is reporting/speculating that he may have been after an ex, and just gunned down everyone else as collateral. But yeah, let’s protect his right to own weapons of war. It’s the price of freedom!! (/s)


Stay safe! I’m sorry that this is happening to your community. It’s awful.

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Bizarrely, it might even be worse:

Yes, of course there’s the usual ‘recent mental health issue’ excuse in there, but if this ‘reason’ is true, it’s particularly devastating.


They allegedly just found him dead in the woods.
I mean, it’s shitty to say this is letting us all breathe a sigh of relief, because human life and all, but we are.


Also, from earlier reporting, but so fucking typical:

But Republican leaders also said it was too soon to talk about new gun control laws.

House Minority Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham, R-Winter Harbor, said he was “appalled people are moving that quickly to fit an agenda,” accusing gun control advocates of politicizing a tragedy while the manhunt is underway.

Senate Minority Leader Trey Stewart, R-Presque Isle, said it was too soon to talk about possible new laws since the suspect was still on the loose and the exact details of the shooting are not yet known.

“There will be a time for an empirical analysis that’s actually based on facts when emotions and cooler heads can prevail,” Stewart said. “Let’s get him brought in first and then we’ll figure out what went wrong.”

I only hope journalists will hold Stewart to this and continue asking, “is now the time?” When will it finally be time?!?

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Multiple people shot overnight outside Ybor City nightclub; 2 dead, 19 hurt


It says nothing good about me that i have started categorizing mass shootings. The ones that started violent confrontations and escalated don’t seem to hit me as hard as the ones that are out-of-the-blue, random rage killings. I really hate that, but it seems to have happened anyway.


I think it’s a normal human response to try to make sense of the world. Almost everyone can understand getting angry at someone and lashing out, even violently. That’s why carrying a gun is a really bad idea.

What we can’t understand is a seemingly-ordinary person, apparently unprovoked, suddenly going amok and trying to kill as many people as possible. AFAIK it has never been adequately explained. There’s a reason they call them senseless killings. That’s why allowing access to guns is a really bad idea.