Today's mass shootings


And then right after the shooting this happened because of course they did.


The shooter in the Oxford Michigan high school shooting in 2021 was just sentenced to life in prison with no possible chance of parole.

I’m so torn over this, he was 15, his parents bought him the gun, his parents neglected him and were aware of his mental state but refused to get him help. The school also dropped the ball.

Should he be punished? Yes, but throw him away?

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Nothing new, but worth a read.


His cellmates should be the GOP senators who keep blocking reasonable gun control.


This seems effective but it will fall on deaf ears.

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Not actually a mass shooting, by definition, but holy shit, when did this become a thing?

A wave of gun violence has swept through U.S. hospitals and medical centers, which have struggled to adapt to the growing threats.
Such attacks have helped make health care one of the nation’s most violent fields. Data shows American health care workers now suffer more nonfatal injuries from workplace violence than workers in any other profession, including law enforcement.

Damn. Damn…


The far right calling in bomb threats and calling for violence against hospitals and healthcare workers over trans care, COVID, and abortion services has spiked since 2020. I don’t think that is a coincidence.

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“I really never thought that Perry would have an issue like this,” she added.

And this is why we have no success controlling firearms. Too many folks convinced these things only happen to other people “over there.” They happen everywhere. (Well, in the good ol’ US of A, anyway.)


Follow up

An Iowa principal who acted heroically to save students during a mass shooting at Perry High School earlier this month has died from his injuries in the attack, according to his wife.

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I heard about this on Monday and actually forgot about it until now, perhaps because they happen so often they’re almost background but also because they are so quickly eclipsed.


Her husband’s trial is next month. Based on her testimony he’s going to be found guilty as well.

I’m sure it will be appealed but maybe the message will be heard, secure your guns from your kids or better yet don’t even haven’t them in the house.

And while that trial was going on this happened in my neck of the woods. The kid had access to multiple firearms in the home and he also had body armor.

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Lord, I hate that “family annihilator” is a thing. I hate it so, so much…


Seems like the body armor charge is one created just to stack up potential punishments. Mostly because it might make it harder for the police to kill the person wearing it.

It’s definitely better than not holding the parents responsible but I have a hard time imagining it’s going to be much of a deterrent for others.

For most parents “what if my child uses this gun to end his life and the lives of others in a mass shooting?” would be a more terrifying scenario to contemplate than “what if I end up spending some time in jail afterwards?” It’s kind of like using the death penalty as a deterrent. Anyone who would be willing to risk a lifetime of prison for their actions probably isn’t going to change their mind because there’s a chance that they could get the electric chair instead.

These are people who deluded themselves into thinking no harm would come from their grossly irresponsible actions. I wish I knew how we could break through that.


From 2022

The killer in the aurora mass shooting used protective clothing