Top Trump strategist quits, writes an open letter warning America about him

I have long been haunted by The Onion’s waggish article about George W. Bush from January 17, 2001: [Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over.]
(Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over')

Somebody should have knocked on some wood, or thrown large handfuls of salt over their shoulder or something.


Trump, the current business, built on crappy steaks, corrupt real estate, and the name Trump as a synonym for luxury? Horribly. But I think Trump’s a smart businessman and saw how lousy his real estate and vodka (etc) businesses were doing, and how much cash is out there for an icon. I think this is a big gambit to become a political pundit and rake in crazy cash in speaking fees and TV appearances as the leader of the “silent majority” for the rest of his days.


Here’s hoping it’s unhinged enough now to come fully apart.

Or something. What is the hinge in this metaphor?


Between losing another top strategist and his campaign manager being arrested in a period of two days, we might see a meltdown brewing. Then again Trump’s got a teflon coating as far as his supporters are concerned, so maybe he’ll get a bump in the polls as supporters blame the liberal Florida police of abusing their authority and write off Cegielski - she is a woman, there’s plenty of hideously misogynist things the loyalists can cook up to quickly dismiss her that wouldn’t cause the base to blink.



And I am now taking full responsibility for helping create this monster

…by donating 100% of Trump’s fees to a charity Trump would despise? No? OK then.


You’d be surprised… I certainly was when we were out having lunch with another couple (interracial lesbian couple) who revealed that they are Trumpers. They are lucky that I had just swallowed my last sip of beer…


At this point there should be circus music playing on the news whenever another Trump story comes out.


What were once bold — although controversial — statements now seemed to be attempts to please the crowds, not direction to lead this country to a better place.

As if that is somehow different than nearly every other politician.


a) People who want power and are unscrupulous regarding the means they use to get it. Nixon, anyone?

b) People who desperately want to believe that they (and those like them) have real power instead of being at the mercy of those who have always exploited them.


Did you explain to them that Trump loathes everything about them and that they will lose much of their lifestyle if he is elected? I can’t imagine (outside of “hating Mexicans/Muslims”) what could motivate them to support him.


People who are too tired and/or too ignorant to pay attention to anything else?

Do you honestly think the Americans you’ve just stereotyped are the ones rah-rahing for Trump and Cruz, and/or the ones who orchestrated the disenfranchisement of our regulations and laws? Seriously?


The Trump MA campaign headquarters was in my tiny town (which voted overwhelmingly for Bernie), and they plastered the side of a historic old building with “The Silent Majority For Trump” signs. If you’re plastering buildings, you ain’t silent.

Also, people complained about them violating signage laws and they had to take them down.

Also, someone painted a giant dick on the building shortly after Trump’s people moved in.


Not quite. Some sociopaths learn early that a very good (perhaps their best) long-term strategy is to understand the people around them and make themselves valuable: to be, on balance, the best option that others have. For example, a sterling reputation for honesty is valuable and much easier to maintain by being honest – even where someone who actually cared about what others think might be embarrassed to have the truth known. Being dispassionate about the people around you because you just do not connect may be bad from a Christian perspective (you’re supposed to feel charitable, not just be charitable) but it can make sociopaths very good analysts.

Narcissists, on the other hand …


I just want to go on record here. If he gets the Republican nominee, he is going to tap dance to the left so fast that Fred Astaire would be jealous.

I guarantee you. Every politician does this anyway, But the double think you are about to witness will be historic. He can and will say anything to get the moderate and left votes. He can completely flip the bird to his current supporter because WHO are they going to vote for? Bernie? Hillary? Hahaha no.

Be prepared for such 180s as: “Mexico is a great country full of hard working people. I get my suits made there. My mansion’s landscapers are Mexican and they do a brilliant job. The wall was a metaphor. Of course we don’t want an actual wall. We want a system that keeps out the criminals and allows hard working immigrants who love the American Dream as much as you or I a path to citizenship.”

and “Hey, hey. Guns are cool. But lets be honest, no one needs an AK-15 Glock to hunt deer, amiright?”

or - and this can be used for anything: “You know, I said this before, and I thought about it, and I decided I was wrong. Now when was the last time you heard a politician admit he was wrong about anything? But it takes a big man to admit it, if you know what I mean, and after looking at the facts and figures - you know because I am so good with numbers - I have come to the conclusion that we should do this instead.”


Sadly, you are almost certainly right.


They may feel disenfranchised but the fact is they’ve managed to stop Congress from doing any work for a few years, have control of an alarming number of state legislatures, have managed to severely damage civil rights on every level.

The only disenfranchising that’s actually going on is the disenfranchisement that has always gone on in America.


Another horrible thing about Trump is that he makes Mrs. Clinton look good by comparison.

A lot of people (not his fans, obviously) believe that statement is true about Trump. Since it so obviously is, it also becomes harder for many to see that the same thing could be fairly said about Mrs. Clinton (and not, needless to say, about Bernie Sanders). The horrors of Trump are overshadowing the horrors of Clinton.