Top Trump strategist quits, writes an open letter warning America about him

The wife sure did… (I got a “kick” and a sidelong glance when she detected my oncoming apoplectic fit)
Our friend has always had a conservative streak (she didn’t come out until her late 50’s), but her wife is sort of batshit crazy (aliens, chemtrails, etc).


This basically confirms what I’ve have been thinking all along-- Trump’s campaign is mostly about him feeding his own ego. He will be happy to lose to whoever the Democrats put up, because then he can say “see, I told you so” if anything even remotely bad happens in the next four years: “I would have been a much better President, but you don’t deserve me, America!” In that light he says whatever he wants knowing full well it will cost him the White House.

The real monster isn’t Trump, the real monster is the angry mob that loves him, and will go apeshit when he loses. It’s the monster the conservative media has been building for years, only to find out they don’t control it anymore.


Itself totally unnecessary to anyone with more than a tiny handful of scruples.

That article reads like Ms. Cegielski heard the name “Trump”, then heard his campaign slogan, and signed on…without listening to ANYTHING the man said before or since.

How could any rational human being, American or otherwise, listen to his campaign announcement (in part or in full), and come away with the thought that Trump would be anything other than a pandering, bloviating, bullying narcissist? Perhaps Ms. Cegielski thought that whole “Mexicans are rapists” line was…uh…an inside joke?

But I am, in my heart, a policy wonk and a believer in coming to the table with necessary knowledge for leading the free world.
Wiktionary defines "policy wonk" as:
"(politics, government) A person who studies or develops strategies and policies, especially one who has a keen interest in and aptitude for technical details."
If you, Ms. Cegielski, were not able to tease out the rather glaring truth behind Drumpf's campaign *after* his initial campaign announcement, then maybe your aptitude is not well attuned to political campaings in the first place.

Also, you’re a fucken idiot.


I think he’s all id, to be honest.


Of course…it’s the fault of those ‘brown’ people and those ‘poor’ people and those ‘sick’ people!!


As a Trump staffer didn’t she have to sign that non-disparagement agreement?


Hmmm. . . if he’s all lizard brain, then maybe he’s a Reptilian!


While I think there’s an 60% chance of an Etch-A-Sketch if he wins the nomination, this is Trump we’re talking about, he might just carry on with the same crazy for kicks. Also the author of the article mentioned that Trump internal discussions of the campaign at the outset was that he was running as a vanity candidacy and wanted second, not to win, so maybe he’d sabotage his campaign to not be stuck with a job that he likely doesn’t really want to have where it’d be more fun to go back to reality TV and inflate his ego bragging about how much better he’d be than the loser in office.


(edit: replied to @lumbercartel accidentally instead of @wrecksdart, my bad)

I… don’t think you’re intentionally insulting me? But, let me just clarify again—the narrative I meant is the one where Trump started the campaign in order to generate publicity for himself, then somewhere along the way became deluded enough to think he should actually be president.

Totally agree that said member of said inner circle shares in the blame for creating the Trump monster.


Peaceful cooperation with neighboring countries and a regulated weapon market are distinct leftist positions? The political system in the US is farther away than I thought.


We should really just return the Louisiana Purchase to France and surrender to Canada at this point, we’d all be better off. Except France.


One is plain old nuts, our friend is head over heels in love with the nut.
Although, our friend has voted republican 95% of the time, so she votes against her interests anyway.


Ah, that would explain it. Gotcha :slight_smile: I can genuinely see how Trump would appeal to a conspiracy nut.


Precisely. It’s a way of making people feel that they’re in the right, and on the right side of history.

See also: False Consensus Bias.


It is possible he will throw it, or even bow out like Perot did.

Or he could be like someone who is a cold reader or mentalist who starts to believe they might actually have psychic powers and start to think he really is doing good work and knows what he is doing.

Well yes and no. It isn’t clear cut as there are people on both sides of the political spectrum that are for and against immigration, and there are some that are are for an against gun control. There are many more in the middle who have either opinion, or no strong opinion.

But there are caricatures of both parties as to who supports who and the koolaid drinking and party line spouters.

Trump has made many anti-immigrant statements so saying the opposite would be a 180. He hasn’t talked about gun control a lot lately, but he isn’t anti-gun control now, and promising to do something is an appeal to many on the left. (But not all.)

That is the problem with this 2 party system - no one is black and white on all of the issues.

It’s a bit humorous about the bit above about Lesbian Trump supporters. I know gay people and even a transgender person who are conservative or libertarian and very pro-2nd Amendment. Of course they are a minority as most view Republicans as homophobes. But they generally see the Conservative ideals in how the government being run as being more important to vote for than someone championing for social causes. They figure that as times change, their acceptance will be eventual, and they are actually helping speed that along with some people by showing that “Look, I am Transgender, but I am just like you. I like to drive big trucks, drink beer, and blow stuff up.”


I question her assertion that the initial goal was to get Trump into double digits then pull out because he was never serious about becoming president and just wanted to say he could have won.

Although Trump didn’t decide to start a campaign in 2011, polls at the time had him as the front runner for the 2012 Republican nomination. So he could already claim legitimacy, in a way. He’s publicly poked his nose into politics for the past three decades. I’m not sure he would run if he didn’t think he could win. On the other hand, he’s probably well aware that he’ll be smoked by the Democratic nominee, he won’t have to assume the responsibility of president, so has nothing to lose but other people’s money by staying in the game.

In other news though:

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TLDR: a Trump supporter wakes up.

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Are you sure it wasn’t just a not very good portrait of the candidate? It’s often hard to tell with thse things.

One of the symptoms of real psychopathology - not the cod-science kind - is that real psychopaths overestimate their own intelligence and underestimate that of other people. That’s why they are not capable of doing as you suggest. They believe that they can do dishonest things and not get found out.

The far right (let’s not call them conservative) media would not have got as far as they did with this had there not been politicians ready to prostitute themselves to them by claiming to hold beliefs that nobody with their expensive educations could possibly hold had they been listening in class.

The depressing thing is how little actual money it has taken for the Australian Rupert Murdoch to gain such vast influence in the US. But he would not have been successful if there were not Americans ready to be treasonous for their own ends.
In the reign of Elisabeth 1st in England, there really were a lot of spies and assassinations. But one reason was that the King of Spain really had persuaded members of the British aristocracy to take his money and to attempt a takeover. You could say that the right wing media and their useful tools have managed to paralyse parts of the Federal government and impoverish the middle classes, but in a democratic system you can’t execute them for treason. The amazing thing is that did it in plain view.


I think that if Jeb or Marco were still in the race, that’d be a possibility. But at this point he’d be essentially conceding to “Lyin’ Ted”, who he sees himself in a blood feud with. Trump doesn’t want that and neither does the GOP.


There is a Chinese Curse that says, “May you live in interesting times.”

We appear to be doing that now…