forget it
Never. Forget.
Huh? What were we talking about?
… who cares
why bother
I was gonna…
Aw, fuck it.
But… screw it.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
I guess.
great another day
You know, anything as pointless as…
Oh, who am I kidding.
(post drawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 ages of the universe unless flagged)
God I’m depressed.
Another day, another dollar
… I have to pay to the dude I divorced after spontaneously getting gay married then regretting the color choices for our stable of miniature pony laser monkeys.
All the pony laser monkeys are gone. And so is my heart. Cause they literally ripped it from my chest.
(BTW I just realized this could be construed as making fun of marriage equality and divorce rights. It isn’t. It is literally about pony laser monkeys mauling me)