Trump administration sues John Bolton to block publication of new book that claims presidential misconduct

NYT, US A Toady, Amazon, and International best seller the moment it comes out

My effect!!! Can you feel it!!!


this book is right now in dozens of newsrooms for preview for weeks now

if it gets blocked or censored, it will most certainly be leaked by some intern

but also Bolton is an asshat doing this for money instead of in front of congress, a literal sellout to the american people


I mean it’s probably a felony and serious jail time will result.


And as someone else pointed out, it’s worthless in a book, he’d just be going to jail for no reason. It only counts if he does it under oath. Which he’s not going to do.


I can’t vouch for the truth of it, but people are claiming on Twitter that the book has already appeared in some bookstores.


The Grand Douchery of Trump sounds like a minor principality from the Haplessburk Empire.


Any response from his publisher? They’re damaging the publisher as well. I would expect legal support at the very least.


Publishing his home address seems intentional - a form of retribution if you will. At least I now know where to send my sternly-written letters condemning his behavior for the last 30 yrs (S).


Something something prior restraint something?


Eh, I’d disagree. If you stuck a gun to my head and asked me to give one good decision that Trump has made, it would be that he didn’t let Bolton drag us into a war with Iran. Bolton is one of the few people I respect less than Trump.

Anyway, his book is already a couple years past it’s sell-by date. It might have some new specific examples of Trump’s corruption and incompetence, but in the grand scheme of things it’s not going to tell us anything we didn’t already know.

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Taxpayer dollars at work.

Let’s (as a nation, all of us -especially Republicans) talk about how the President and so many of his appointees wind up despising each other.

When so many individuals, who PERSONALLY KNOW YOU and formerly supported you, wind up hating you and revoking support, the defining common factor in the problem is YOU. Not them. All those former devotees, you know the list, allllll have one thing in common: you.

Please, God, let this nightmare reign end.


Remember: Bolton is a terrible person. He refused to testify for the House impeachment proceedings despite supposedly having self-proclaimed full knowledge of presidential misconduct, instead “offering” to testify for the Senate trial – knowing full well that he wouldn’t be asked to appear. Now he’s putting everything into a tell-all book that will do absolutely nothing in the long run to hurt Trump but will net him more publicity and book sales.


Are we just going to overlook the fact that this with-it dude dropped a Hamilton reference in the title of his book?

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I see another problem for trumpkins, it’s literally everywhere already for June 23 release, it would be impossible to stop in time, it may be on the floor in some stores that don’t care

it’s even in other countries like UK and Spain which would not care about a US court order

this almost smells like marketing


I think Bolton’s current thinking is contained in this scene from the most important motion picture in history (some adult language here).

The B&N website shows one in stock in my city but it is way too far for me to drive. Click for the lookup.


People shouldn’t get, and should not have gotten, emotionally involved in the proceduralisms of the impeachment hearings—who testified, what they said exactly, whether the argument was good enough, whether the articles were filed at the right time.

Ultimately everybody knew Trump was unfit, and Senate Republicans could have removed him if they wanted to. They chose not to. NOTHING JOHN BOLTON SAID WOULD HAVE CHANGED THAT.


No, but this book won’t do anything either. And if push came to shove, John Bolton won’t say any of this under oath anyways.


It doesn’t matter.

He had a chance to put himself in the history books as someone in Trump’s inner circle willing to go on the record under penalty of perjury about Trump’s crimes. He didn’t. He was subpoenaed and refused to appear.

He made a half-assed effort that he knew would go nowhere, and then decided to sell his story for a profit.

He doesn’t get to be the good guy here.

As far as I’m concerned he can go rot with the rest of them.