Apparently she wasn’t in control of the mute button; I’ve been reading that what actually happened is that there was two minutes of muting while each candidate gave their introductory statements on each topic.
“Donnie, put down your chram! He’s 77. He’s too old for you!”
Has anyone ever told him that Trump Tower kills more birds than all the windmills? All that glass in the sky is not good for them.
If Trump was honest, he would just admit he doesn’t want windmills spoiling his games of golf.
We know the answer to that of course… he’s not, so he won’t.
“And he’ll replace them with… sheets! and pillows!”
Humped it like a flag.
He would be a totally different, unrecognizable person.
My impressions of this debate were:
1.) Jeezus I can’t believe I’m watching this crap again,
2.) For all his complaining about how the new debate rules are a benefit to Biden, it sure seemed like they benefited Trump more-- or at least he managed to keep his inner beast from raging like last time.
A lot of the stuff Donald kept bringing up I have no clue what he’s talking about (Biden’s brother making money in Iraq? Joe getting money from China through Russia via the mayor of Moscow’s wife?) but I guess the right-wing troll-o-sphere harps on every day, and where it was probably all invented. I just wonder what those kinds of accusations mean to the wishy washy undecided voters.
If I point out it’s a lectern, can I finally get that pendant I’ve been wishing for?
Always. But I am still waiting for the moment when Michael admits to Saru that she ate his species.
That was what I heard. A fucking monster saying a monstrous thing is good.
As far as I an tell the only limit on his monstrousness has been his overwhelming incompetence.
What about summer?
It’s going to clear up this summer right?
Wait. Did we skip summer this year?
Pretty much, yes.
I think I said resembled debate.
yeah there were so many forced lies and I guess the moderator is not directly calling those out because then it looks like at this point some form of political bias to just try to hold up the truth.
It shouldn’t be like that at all. When Trump makes claims that Biden is making money overseas I want to see some sort of evidence immediately or I want him to shut the fuck up.
actually having the debate like normal candidates in the past didn’t really happen but it was still not a complete shitshow like it was the first time- I could actually hear Joe without Trump interrupting him absolutely every waking minute.
he still interrupted plenty though