Trump and Epstein discuss women

The evangelicals are praying for the repeal of Roe v Wade, hence Trump’s and McConnell’s stacking the courts with radical right-wingers (who like beer) such as Kavanaugh. They will overlook any sexual indiscretions, or philosophical differences, for that goal alone. My sister is one. She has told me that this is her thinking. The cognitive dissonance doesn’t bother her, or she has just swallowed it.

The newly emerging video today is more of the same for her. We all knew that Trump was (is) a sybaritic predator. She will say, “So what?” if it even registers. She only watches Fox and nothing else. She won’t even pollute her perfect understanding with the BBC, or France 24, or, god forbid, actually read something like BoingBoing.

I’m still waiting for that smoking gun. Looking at you, Congress/Mueller/SDNY/ Congress/Congress/Congress/Senate.


Yeah, same story with mine. She only watches Fox and absolutely nothing else. Not even the BBC.


Darn this was a reply to the wrong comment first time around. Double darn someone else did it first…


I think we’re agreeing on the same thing, I’m just frustrated this doesn’t seem to affect the followers one iota, but I keep hoping with each wretched incident it’s another dent in that idiot’s pus faced armor

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under unavailable :slight_smile:



I’m just about to the point of thinking it needs dynamite.

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You’ve touched on what I long ago realized about the anti-abortion people. They actually care about only two issues: abortion and homosexuality. That’s because those are the only issues they think they have an “answer” to because of the Bible. Economy? Foreign relations? Balance of trade? The Bible says nothing about those. The voters don’t know squat about things like that, and they don’t want to know about them because they either can’t or won’t think about such things. For too many of them, thinking hurts. They don’t know a damn thing and they hate and fear anyone who does. (That’s why so many middle-America women voted against Clinton in 2016. Jealousy. How dare that hoity-toity bitch act like she knows better than me?!)

Way too many American voters pay attention to nothing that comes out of Washington except abortion and gay marriage, because they think waving the Bible over those issues is a final answer that relieves them of the pain and responsibility of having to actually learn something. They want quick, simple, easy solutions and they refuse to even look at anything that might require 3 seconds of real thought. This country does have a problem with people wanting instant gratification, and that problem manifests most strongly and most dangerously in the political opinions of religious nuts.


I was reading the following article, and a particular paragraph really leaped out at me:

Epstein was open about his interest in sex, presenting it as his only vice. He did not drink, smoke cigarettes, or take drugs. He was a germaphobe who hated shaking hands…

Has Trump being emulating Epstein – as a form of fanboi – all this time?


A germaphobe who’s vice is sex doesn’t make any sense to me.


Me either. How does a person like Trump have a problem with shaking strangers’ hands but not unprotected intercourse with porn stars?


I honestly think they’re just lying. Possibly to cover up for the fact they’re just disgusted by most people.


maybe they take precautions.

They’re just disgusting to most people? Yup, I agree!


I hear if you play Dark Side of the Moon the music syncs up perfectly. Not with the video, mind you, but with your existential sense of dread.

[Stole the line from another site, too good not to share]


The real question is, why would they have unprotected intercourse with him? As part of their work, they get tested frequently for STDs. A porn star is probably the least likely stranger you could encounter to have an STD. Meanwhile, he’d be likely to disqualify them from their major source of income.

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He doesn’t like touching other people. Those he’s having sex with aren’t people, they’re objects.


But even seeing them as “objects” they’re still objects that countless other people have stuck their dicks in. Would a germophobe borrow another person’s fleshlight?

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