Trump appoints himself leader of the Lockdown Rebellion by Tweeting LIBERATE VIRGINIA MICHIGAN MINNESOTA

Southern France.

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Yeah I doubt the nukes would remain viable for long without a massive economy to sustain them. Throw in the MAGA hate for eggheads (i.e. people who might competently build and maintain nukes) and we might see a net reduction in viable nukes before long.

A collapse of the US economy would be disastrous for the world, but all Empires fall - usually to their own hubris/overreach and a belief in divine favour.

It’s been a century, but it looks like we are on the brink of another reshuffling of global power much like the 1910-1930 period. Hopefully we can pull it off with less war this time, but I’m not optimistic. You’ve got to know that Trump will blow something up as a last resort. It might even be within the continental US this time.


Oh they’re only lip service if you’re talking about enforcement of Republicans.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, all of them have absolutely no problem censoring and destroying the movements of Democrats or anyone who would actually qualify as a “leftist”.

There’s a reason black/hispanic/minority Twitter has had to resort to using phrases like “yt” and “wte” to refer to anyone with the skin tone that resembles those in charge.


To be honest, this vastly overestimates the security protocols in place for our nuclear system while also dramatically underestimating the long-term viability and lack of maintenance you actually need to keep them operational.

Our entire security network for nuclear arms runs on DOS, and the last long-term study I saw researching how effective that protocol was found that many of the passwords in place to launch them was as simple as entering (0-0-0-0) which really just brings to mind Spaceballs in all the worst ways.


As before:

Today’s page:

Heroic President Trump is protecting us from the Evil Chinese™️.


If they would just try the Evil Chinese they might like it.

Too spicy for 'murica I guess.


:musical_note: The tables will turn
We can but stall them
Every empire on this Earth has fallen :musical_note:


Trump is blood traitor. Only a traitor would call violence on people he has sworn to protect.


Perhaps not owned, but probably given “friendly advise from one world leader to another”.

There is probably a whole FSB department dedicated to getting misguidance to our chief idiot through agents in media (Fox News, OAN) and business.


Late to the party, but yes. This. Is. Treasonous.


Why are you unwilling to spell out Trump’s name in your comment ?

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The end of an Empire
Is messy at best.
And this Empire is ending
Like all the rest.
Like the Spanish Armada adrift on the sea
We’re adrift in the land of the brave and the home of the free.

Goodbye, goodbye …


What should it become part of - Manitoba or Ontario?

Useful Idiot is the term you’re looking for.


A majority of us did not vote for him, but because of archaic technicalities he won the election anyway. Congress impeached the fucker, and he was acquitted through a sham trial in the senate. Congress can’t invoke the 25th, only the majority of president’s cabinet can, and even that’s in doubt since his cabinet is filled with unconfirmed and “acting” appointees because he only gets the worst people. The courts are now packed with Trump-friendly far right judges and there’s a hard conservative majority in the Supreme Court because the Senate leader obstructed all of Obama’s efforts to fill these vacancies.

Basically the deck is stacked so far in Trump’s favor right now, and the right wing majority in power simply cannot be shamed or pressured into doing anything to go against Dumb Leader.

About the only thing we can do is vote the fucker out in November, an uncertain outcome and one that feels like an eternity away.


PHB logic: If he doesn’t understand it, then it isn’t important. Of course at that level of intellect, I’m surprised he can operate doors.


That’s amazing i’v got the same combination on my luggage

I hate the fucker and the way he has the whole world in is his thrall despite his having nothing of interest to say.

Using his name is more respect than he deserves and I don’t have time to invent a new epithet every time I refer to the gas-lighting orange pissweasal.