Trump blames LED lightbulbs for making him look orange

Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I recently changed a bedside table lamp to a Sylvania soft-white bulb, and I didn’t notice much difference from the other (seldom used) lamp with an incandescent bulb. At 8.5W vs 60W, good enough.


Oh no, you shouldn’t disclose that on the internet: it might inspire Trump to initiate a eugenics/genetic engineering program to ensure all future American generations don’t see his orangeness as unusual!


You must be rich! I only have one light source around my hose.:grinning:


I was surprised/disappointed he was still pining for the incandescent bulb, instead of the arc lamps those replaced.

I bought a pack of those from Target a while back (store brand, not Philips nor GE etc.). Each bulb was a little more dependable than a lit match.


I put a couple of LED fixtures in the garage – they look like fluorescent shop lights, but the “tubes” are built-in and have LEDs in them. (I think they were about $40 apiece on Amazon) They are very bright. Actually I put these in because incandescent bulbs would burn out very quickly in the garage door opener, due to the vibration (maybe the opener’s not anchored right, or Craftsman is for shit, or both). CFL and LED bulbs don’t work at all in the opener, IIRC something to do with the electronic switch that turns the bulbs on and off (and maybe a similar reason those don’t work with dimmer switches). I put screw-in electrical sockets where the bulbs went, then plugged the LED fixtures into those, and it’s way more light then I ever had in there.
(EDIT to clarify) The LED fixtures are suspended from the ceiling, and other than being plugged in thru its light sockets, not otherwise secured to the garage door opener.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes it happen. I mean, he made facts go away because they made him look stupid…


I think he’s using the wrong type of bulbs.


Somehow I get the feeling that this out-of-touch man only very recently found out that people make fun of his orangeness.


They make your hands appear smaller too.


Sounds like you’re either buying junk or have bad luck. When I started buying LEDs I took up writing the date on the base when I placed it in service. Even the infant mortalities have been 2+ years. (And have been replaced under warranty!) I have no qualms about using them and LOVE them for hard-to-reach places. Sorry they don’t work out for you.

I looked at the link you provided. The reasoning the reporter summarizes makes very little sense to me. As far as I can tell there are a few potential cases. There is only one case where more efficient bulbs result in higher energy bills, that where home heating is something other than electric, but resistive electric would be cheaper to run then what’s being used. Then… why not switch to electric? Baseboard heaters are cheap. This isn’t a case of “don’t change out your bulbs“, it’s a case of “do change out your heating system“.

In the case where home heating is already resistive electric, it’s a wash regardless of how (in)efficient your lightbulbs are.

Finally, there’s the case, which I expect is by far the most common, where you heat with something other than resistive electric, because that’s what’s most cost-effective for you. In that case, your switch to efficient bulbs displaces cost-ineffective electric resistive heat (the lightbulb waste heat) with your by-definition more cost-effective primary heating system. And of course, your cooling costs go down too, assuming you cool your home in the summer.

Of course the above only pertains to cost, not CO2 (*), which isn’t always the same, especially in Canada where they use a lot of hydro, and there are extremely marginal cases where the capital cost of changing out your lightbulbs is maybe not justified (**), but it’s hard to imagine these amount to a hill of beans.

This looks like an article that wasn’t all that good even when it was published 10 years ago, and is substantially disconnected from reality today.

(*) But the headline of the article claims “higher heat bills”, not just higher CO2.
(**) That appears to be part of the reasoning, such as it is, in the article, and maybe even it was even a valid point back in 2009 when the article was written. But LED bulbs can be had for a song now.


To own the libs!


Well sure, they have a more limited spectrum, but does that mean it’s “poor?” It’s different, but I’m unclear on the metric by which we would evaualte spectrum quality.

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“People said…” : No they didn’t, he’s just trying to make the next thing he says look like it’s not originating with him; it’s a distancing mechanism, used in case what he says next blows up. There may be people, but odds are against it.

“we’re being forced to use” : It’s better to light a candle than curse the LED. Although that’s an orange light as well. Damned if you do…

“most importantly” : Not most important, can even be something he doesn’t care about at all, but it’s chosen to highlight something people who aren’t sociopaths may be able to relate to; used to draw in the unwary before the ground shifts.

“I always look orange.” : Most true thing he has ever said; was an accident.

“And so do you.” : His way of making his problem your problem, if you are stupid enough to not realize it’s his problem. I’ve never been under an LED light that made me look a quarter as orange as the Bloviator in Chief.

“… is the worst.” : Isn’t the worst, almost never is; it’s just something making him cranky, or being used to distract from the next things he’s going to say/do.

How does he explain looking orange in sunlight?

My newly discovered (for me) song that pops into my head now, anytime he says anything:


Is this in the ironic way - or in the way that the .01% own the country, we are all serfs in the new system - and the star on your belly doesn’t make you any sneechier.


I bought a few Chinese fluorescent lamps sold typically for photography studio lightning. They actually approximate daylight quite well, but not as well as high quality metal halide HID lamps. They are 200W each and the “bulb” is ridiculously huge compared to regular household fluorescent lamp but they work pretty well as workshop lighting.

Aide: And sir, remember, when you and the First Lady step out onto the balcony, don’t look at the sun without your protective glasses.
Trump. Got it, yeah yeah, sun bad, eyes burn. My uncle was huge in the cyber. He basically invented the sun at Wharton back in '54.


What’s funny is that my vision is still good enough to pick up the weird raccoon-mask look he gets from the spray-booth goggles.


I guess his next election slogan will be Make America Bright Again.

(I’d settle for a light being shone on his tax returns and financial records.)


I even have a couple of those, I’d totally spaced on that. Oversized curly Q CFLs that, yeah, are ~5600. I really was just thinking of what’s at Home Despot when I made that comment.

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