Trump caves to Pelosi, agrees to delay State of the Union address

Sure, the wall will get the credit after his administration changes the definition of crime to make it look like fewer incidents occurred on his watch:


Yea, he’s out of the frame, but there are photos from many angles.

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For once, actually agree with Trump. He will give a “great” SOTU address, like his “great” presidency and his “great” wall.


I can’t say I’ve noticed it myself but if it’s actually an image then it’s helpful to anyone who’s using a screen reader as they can’t read text in an image.


It doesn’t work though. How’s Trump gonna give a speech flanked by three bald guys and himself?

I don’t think they are actually images, as the text within seems capable of being selectively highlighted and copied out. I just couldn’t figure out what to call them as opposed to the text that is clearly typed by the post’s author within the body of the post.

Have you seen the pictures of him golfing? He’s always flanking himself.

at least on chrome, for this post, they are images. [ ]

i’ve always assumed that at least sometimes they are twitter embeds?
( and if some deletes the tweet, the embed goes away – so having the text preserves it. )

[ edit: the trump tweets are images, the pelosi tweets are embeds. but same thoughts apply. screen readers and archiving. ]

I guess this might be a justification, but many posts end in lots of these tweet ‘images’ which are not repeated/re-typed in the body, so those would be at risk. Here’s an example:

In the above the main story body contains a repeated tweet/text and at the end are lots of standalone tweets. It’s inconsistent.

And whatever the reason, surely there is a way to ‘meet the needs’ without making us read so many bits of identical text twice, one after the other, so often. Frankly, it looks both a bit amateurish (to say nothing of patronising the reader), and also as if the publisher (and BB is far from the only offender here) has some sort of ‘deal’ with twitter.

Anyway, I’ve raised the issue. Probably best not to derail the thread further.

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I wonder if they’re quoting the relevant bit in their copy, linking to twitter and the system is pulling in the actual tweet as well?

Of course, the main takeaway is that I’ve never noticed it before but now I’ve seen it I’ll never be able to unsee it, damn your eyes!

Join the club.
I feel like I’m being treated like a recalcitrant 12-year-old who cannot be trusted to read things properly and must be made to read it twice just in case I did not understand it the first time. Or perhaps that I did not understand that it came from (message from our sponsor) twitter.
I don’t think it shows much respect for the reader. And it’s worse when it happens in serious news-reporting publications/platforms (not that BB is not serious, but you get my point).

I don’t really care that it comes from twitter, but it pisses me off that so many ‘news’ articles now are just a paragraph of information padded out by 10-15 tweets. It’s not even like real people use twitter, it’s all bots and political and media wonks.

Yeah, cough nobody real uses Twitter… ahem


That’s literally what the white house’s “report” said they sent out.

  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
  • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
  • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
  • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
  • President Trump is holding China accountable for its unfair trade practices, such as the theft of intellectual property, by imposing tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods.
  • Following President Trump’s successful meeting with President Xi in Buenos Aires, both agreed to conduct negotiations over 90 days to address the United States concerns.
  • ISIS’ territorial caliphate has been defeated and President Trump has announced that he is bringing America’s troops in Syria home.
  • President Trump deployed the military to assist in securing the southern border.

This is “considerable experience with Word and Excel” levels of digging for credentials.


My utility did initially lower rates based on what they said was passing tax savings down to customers but, a few months later raised them even higher.

Complete BS. Proof that more than 100 utility companies continue to have lower rates or it didn’t happen.


Well technically, this point isn’t a lie.


Six million. Out of…um… 325 million. Their biggest, most triumphant achievement is giving 1.8% of Americans about $50 more at tax time, for only the next five years, until the tax cuts expire? Meanwhile all small businesses and freelancers will suffer because of the elimination of all itemized deductions.

But somehow this is “the most success of any president ever”. Right.

  • Keyboarding (35 WPM)

Is it better or worse that I didn’t know that? I literally pulled the most nonsensical BS talking points I could think of out of my butt and spattered them on the screen.

Maybe it’s time for me to get a job in politics!
/actually demoralized

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