Trump CDC tells states to get ready for COVID-19 vaccine by November 1 — just two days before the election

Oh no, I never give up, but after 3+ years of insanity, my shock value meter is sort of broken.


The “Pfizer vaccine” is actually mainly being developed by BioNTech, which is based in Mainz, in Trump’s very favourite European country, Germany. This is a fairly small company which has been working on mRNA-based vaccines and cancer therapies for a number of years now. The BioNTech HQ is two miles up the road from where I’m typing this.


Yeah. If they had made the announcement that it would be rolling out to front-line healthcare workers on a limited release, that might be feasible. But they’re saying to prepare for “hundreds of millions” of doses. That’s just a stupid lie. It’s not even remotely feasible bullshit.

He’s not just a con artist - he’s an incompetent one.


But he has a cure on the way! He gave us his solemn pledge…

…oh now I see what he meant.


Uh, no. Andy Slavitt is more economist than epidemiologist, but he’s definitely no fuckwit.

Dude, we should thank God for that incompetence every fucking day. If not for the fact that he is literally incapable of carrying through on anything, we would be in even more of a hellscape than we are.


Until the efficacy study is published, you have a very legitimate reason to hold off on the vaccine. Once it’s published, then you can read the results for yourself and make the best decision for your patients.

As much as the FDA can be a PITA, there’s too much weight of bureaucracy there to just release an important vaccine without data. And you know that they can make 3x in industry compared to what they make in the agency. So if they are being asked to hide adverse results, they would be happy to quit rather than prop up Trump lies.

US vaccine researchers started working on SARS-COV-2 as soon as the virus was sequenced and characterized back in February. US researchers have been working on this vaccine for 7 months, and Chinese researchers for 9 months.

It’s definitely not ready for prime time, but it’s more than 3 months.

Oh, and I wouldn’t fly in a plane that the Trump Org designed…ever.


This. ^ Do you want Resident Evil? Because rushing out a completely new kind of vaccine (along with the immunotherapy novel vaccine candidates) is how you get Resident Evil.

Do you already have your cricket bat?



Incompetence can be plenty deadly. Mao’s incompetence during the Great Leap Forward led to tens of millions of his own people dying of starvation in the greatest famine in human history. Trump’s incompetence has killed almost 200,000 Americans already in the worst pandemic in a century. Never assume an incompetent despot is less dangerous than a competent one.


Getting everything in place, or at least the plans in order, is a really good idea. No matter which vaccine they go with or how well it works, or when, they’ll need plans, people and supplies to carry out large scale immunization.

That part makes sense. And Trump could have said something like:

"I’m not saying that’s when it happens. But the medical people, the very best, are working on this, and we’re working on making approval fast for them – not cutting corners, just cutting red tape.

“Some day, hopefully sooner than later, they’ll say that they have it, the FDA will approve it, and on that day I want everyone else ready to go!”

Simple. But he didn’t. As usual, he wants everything in so many superimposed states that when we exit the box, he’ll have been right all along.


There was a story today that the WHO is saying mid-2021 is the earliest (I forget the exact wording).

I wonder if that was in response to Trump’s tweet.

For those he has scared away from vote-by-mail!

A strong vaccine - made it myself!

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For them, it probably should be. We got anybody working on that yet?


And that’s even without a three-year clinical trial, which AFAIK is a typical drug trial length. But I guess these are unusual times.

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Then he needs to pay a lot more attention to what he’s typing to ensure it reflects what he thinks he’s trying to say. He simply said the same thing twice and expected it to be two different things that meant the same. But it wasn’t.

I’ve actually been a test subject in a vaccine. Overall side effects are low, yellow fever is very very unlikely in the area I live in, I believe it was something to make the world better, I believe in vaccines and it was a nice chunk of change. One of the HIV vaccines seemed to increase the incidence of infection. it would be completely unsurprising if Trump forced an unscientific process to be made by the FDA. He has no scruples, has persecuted and threatened whistle blowers. So, yeah, if the process is not transparent, I would consider not recommending taking a vaccine if recommendations to do so only came from a compromised FDA.

Autonomous robots that can be injected? Not as far off as it sounds, say boffins, thanks to new ion-powered silicon legs

US electronics engineers and physicists have built micrometre-scale swimming robots that use a new type of actuator, forming the basis for a tiny automaton that could be injected into humans to perform minor medical procedures.

Powered by onboard silicon photovoltaics, the robots, which are less than 0.1mm in size, wriggle when stimulated by laser light. Built from common semiconductor material, one million of the tiny critters could be produced from a four-inch wafer, according to the author of a paper published in Nature .

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True. It was a typo. But you can understand what he meant, regardless, right? An ineffective vaccine has the same effect as an effective one that no one trusts.

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