Trump chooses Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff, Steve Bannon as "Chief Strategist"

Yes they did.

“Silent Majority” has always been a Republican coded message meaning “closet racists.”


Is it just me, or did this guy get all these Republican Party jobs because his name is oddly too right?

P.S. “Oddly Too Right?” A parody was begun…

What job do we think Oliver North will get?


I can’t help it. Every time I see that name, I think, Prince Reebus.



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I got unfriended on FaceBook from the ONE real life Trump supporter I know intimately for pointing this out (we’ve played in punk bands together since high school, known him for 25 years).


My point was more that the majority of eligible voters didn’t even vote; they were effectively silent. Thus, the real silent majority are the apathetic people who don’t care.

The conservative “Silent Majority” is anything but… I kind of wish they would be less vocal, to be honest.


I used to think that the DC Comics storyline where Lex Luthor is elected President of the United States was a little over the top. Like, “how stupid would the American voters have to be to put a known supervillain in charge of the country?”

In hindsight I realize that it might have actually been more realistic if Luthor had appointed the Legion of Doom as his cabinet upon taking office. Brainiac as Chief of Staff. Gorilla Grod as Secretary of Defense. Solomon Grundy as Secretary of the Interior. Bizarro Superman as Secretary of Education. Because goddammit we’re going full cartoon here.


not an anagram, but every time i hear his name i think: rinse pubics


Much like the “Christ, what an asshole” caption, you can simply put “we are so fucked”, “America is so fucked”, or even “Planet Earth is so fucked” to any article involving Donnie and his retinue.


Every time I hear his name, I involuntarily call it out in an alarmed German accent. It drives my son nuts.


Don’t point out that President-elect Shitstain conned his voters. It hurts their feelings.


Sorry if this has been posted:

Good job idiots. Way to ‘stick it to the system’. Just disgusting. This is so discouraging. I don’t give a fuck anymore why anyone voted for this shitstain.


I got a dead link on that. Is it the list of insiders, bigots, and known grifters he plans to appoint that I saw earlier today?

He’s draining the swamp by filling it with snakes.


Sorry, fixed it. And yes. Most here have probably seen it I guess. I’m slow on the downlow.

Edit: I called him a ‘shitstain’ independently and unawares of your use of ‘shitstain’. I don’t know why, but it seems important to me to point that out :thinking:


I listen to alt-radio pretty often, but I just can’t do Fox News. Tonight they were frothing at the mouth about the costs of the extra-police for the anti-Trump crowds and protests. Alex Jones is fun to listen to because he is progressively losing his shit. It’s worthwhile to learn how and what these people are thinking. Almost every topic is an appeal to fear.


I was reading a story yesterday which included multiple continuities. In this story, the ‘Real World’ Earth was always referred to as ‘Earth A’, and the alternate Earths as ‘Earth B’, ‘Earth C’, and so on. (And even ‘Earth B1’, ‘Earth B2’ and so on, for minor variants within the multiverse).

Even when being referred to by characters inhabiting those alternate continuities, the ‘real’ Earth was always ‘Earth A’, and their own continuities were called ‘Earth B1’ or whatever. Surely, I thought, the whole point in this sort of system is that there is no prime continuity; each is as valid as every other, and everyone would call their own home planet continuity ‘Earth A’.

But then it occurred to me that Trump’s presidency could be viewed as the proof that we’re actually not in our world’s prime continuity. We’re one of those weird worlds that a superhero visits for a couple issues, just to shake things up and weird out the audience with the bizarre, unbelievable alternate events here. We’re in ‘Earth B’. Or actually, probably more likely in ‘Earth C’ or even ‘Earth D’; I don’t imagine that the whole “wacky Trump presidency” thing has enough meat on its bones that any editor would want to return to this storyline beyond a single little arc, the way that superheroes will often return to ‘Earth B’ several times during their career.

I can even imagine the preachy moral at the end of the issue; the thing the heros would tell their compatriots they had learned during their adventures, after returning to Earth A.

When you think about it, it’s all kind of obvious, really.


I’m only going to call him President Shitstain for he is making me long for the days of Reagan and Reagan made afraid that I was going to die in nuclear fire.


Well then just call it an oligarchy. The supposed sovereign, the people, never get what they want. The super rich always get what they want. It’s an oligarchy in democratic clothing. You as citizens just get a choice between two flavors of said oligarchy.

Bernie could have changed that. But the oligarchy’s lackeys made sure he couldn’t.

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