Trump chose a thin-skinned, blowhard ignoramus as ambassador to Germany, and now no one will talk to him except Nazis

It seemed the less triggering way to reference the gesture.

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Hoekstra said something moronic during some born again conference a couple of years ago, about politicians being burned in their cars over here and how immigrants did it. Obviously this was a horrendous lie and when he was announced a journalist asked him about this. He struggled for a couple of satisfying minutes before saying nothing at all basically.

What a great way to introduce yourself, I’m sure everyone takes you seriously :roll_eyes:

ETA here’s an example:


I have nothing to add, except that the English hate the French hate the Dutch hate the Belgians hate the Danes elements of the thread reminded me of this.

After two years of no Ambassador, the US has finally got around to appointing a new representative in Australia.

Y’all sent us the guy who invented the idea of Sarah Palin as a Presidential candidate.


Uh, you’re welcome.


And money, don’t forget the money.


South Korea doesn’t have one either. When the Koreas and China decided to work out an agreement a couple of years ago, they kiddie tabled the US entirely.

President Chucklehead was left with a phony PR summit with North Korea instead. Essentially Kim Jong Un going on vacation to Singapore,


Awwww, but some of them are cute and cuddly…

This is a real thing. I actually have one. It’s still in the packaging, but I always wanted to use it as a couch cushion. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Triple threat!

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Even other similar species can be pets.


I smiled and hit “like” to your comment. But then it came. Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow, One for all and all for one, Muskehounds are always reeaady… Now I’ve got that stupid theme tune stuck in my head. Please make it go away.


So who actually finds all these evolutionary throwbacks? You know it’s not the Cheeto-head. He couldn’t find his ass with both hands.

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Damn you.


I would apologise, but this theme can’t get past “Welcome to the Machine” in my head at the moment. So that makes me doubly evil, for posting the YouTube link and for not remembering it even after hearing it. Kind of fitting that I am aspiring to look like Roger Delgado, as I have gotten too grey for Anthony Ainsley.

The benefits of being an expat Yankee, I guess. Makes up for having such a total shithead as my ambassador.


He couldn’t be doing Russia’s work better if he tried.


I don’t say this easily, but he can’t be that stupid. Inconceivable.


First of all, they are apparently very tasty.

Second, Lampetra and Pteromyzon species are endangered, and are included in the Annex II of the Habitat Directive, Annex I respectively III of the Berne Convention, and are protected by national law. If they are occurring natively, designated protected areas must be installed by EU law.

Lampreys are very good indicators for clean rivers - part of their demise is the terrible state most of our rivers are in.


If I might suggest a slightly different style Beschissenes Arschgesicht, would better roll from the younger of a native speaker, I guess.

Well, and good luck. :slight_smile:


“Earl Fowlkes, chairman of the Democratic National Committee’s LGBT Caucus, called Grenell’s appointment a “good sign” and a show of “political wisdom” on the part of the Trump administration, which he said has been “hostile” toward the LGBTQ community.”

Well, maybe it’s a Munich thing, the whole “Scheiss [Nomen], elendiges!” that I hear all the time. And use myself. And as for the articles, I’ve been here 30 years now, and still fuck them up. My American brain just isn’t hardwired to accept that articles have gender, it seems. But as I always say…

Bassd scho!


Oh for… I guess the only way to truly resolve this is to put it to a vote.

The loathsome organism to which Donald Trump can fairly be compared is:

  • A tapeworm - My dog had them once, they’re disgusting. Hard to believe that people once voluntarily ingested them as a weight loss method.
  • A parasitic wasp - Ugh. Deeply unpleasant.
  • An alien face hugger - Sort of a theme going here.
  • Marine LePen - Bringing the horrible since 1986.
  • Donald Trump - “You’re being such a Trump.” is how tapeworms insult each other. Even Marine LePen can string together a coherent sentence. Face it, Trump is the shit standard for shitheels.
0 voters

Vote early and often!


Oh I know… that’s the character Bellamy from the 100…