Trump commands troglodyte mob to ‘Knock the Crap Out’ of protesters, promises to pay legal fees

Wouldn’t we all be safer if everyone were armed with tomatoes?


Depends who he shoots. If he shot someone who would have voted for him… technically he would.

Course Andrew Jackson shot someone and still got voted in. Thug Life, I guess.


Iowa has spoken on this matter.


“We?” Dude, I don’t know how many giant pandas YOU raped to death this week, but…


You had me at bazinga!


Oh… I was with you until “tomato”…
(not really serious people out there who take things waaay too seriously and want to lecture about putting hits on people)[or at least things that are theoretically human…]


Like fascists of the 20th century, Trump is inciting crowds to attack minority members of the groups attending his rallies.

Since he’s a political leader, it’s dangerous for him to do it. He’s protected by security, and protesters may foreseeably protest any political candidate’s message. It’s obvious his words may cause an attack.

The opposition should petition for a federal injunction prohibiting him from inciting violence against protesters.


Here we have that obnoxious “freedom of speech” thing. It does tend to bite us in the ass sometimes.

I suspect in this case, tRump’s defense would be that he wasn’t really inciting violence/requesting that a felony be committed on his behalf, that he meant it symbolically, to mean that protest was not welcome at der fuhrer’s … I mean tRump’s… rally. If he was actually requesting that someone commit a crime, then that’s a crime. If he’s being hyperbolic, then protected speech. Tricksy eh?

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There are exceptions to the general rule of allowing all speech. Cases of quasi-governmental leaders who incite mobs to violently repress political dissenters should fit cleanly into an exception. Am I wrong?


Absolutely not. But one would have to prove intent, which is notoriously difficult.

There are exceptions of course (can’t yell “fire” in crowded theaters etc…), but tRump’s got enough money to hire lawyers out the wazoo to prove that he “really didn’t mean it…”.

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True. We should make him fight though. He’s inciting a mob to attack a protester. After it happens is too late. Injunction.


Yeah, I just let youtube go ahead and autoplay for the rest of the night.


I dunno, here in Canada if someone throws food at you, you choke that little shit yourself.


Trump should use the Stillson political playbook. Go to the right to win the nomination and then use a baby as a human shield to win the election. No harm no foul as tomatoes are good for babies.


John Prescott had similar ideas back when he was Deputy Prime Minister in the UK

it would have sucked to have been getting ready to eat a piece of fruit right then I guess.

the old saying that getting robbed turns a liberal into a conservative - what if getting beat up for eating fruit at a Trump rally turns a conservative into a liberal?


I get it with tomatoes.

But what if they bring a custard pie?


The BUF lost a lot of support when his Blackshirts tried to force their way into the East End with the support of the (still somewhat similar today) Metropolitan Police, only to have the inhabitants fight back. People came from all over London to the various battles of Cable Street. The Blackshirts were the sort of thugs who were very brave till they discovered that Jews can throw rocks, too.

Not that I am advocating any kind of violent protests against Trump. I really hope he gets the Republican nomination. Like Mussolini, he has espoused more progressive ideas in the past and is not beholden to the Republican aristocracy. He is exposing the fundamental lie of Republicanism - that the majority of its voters are committed to the far right wing ideas of its leaders. That can only be good. And if, God forbid, Trump becomes President, he won’t have a Hitler to emulate.

[clarification - Mussolini wasn’t, to begin with, a particularly bad dictator. Even his Abyssinian war was nowhere as bad as the Bush/Blair wars in the Middle East. What happened to Mussolini was that he was awed by Hitler and started to want the same sort of power, obedience and torchlight parades. If Hitler had been properly squashed when he could easily have been, in 1937, Mussolini would have been, I suspect, no worse than Berlusconi.
President Trump would be a posturing blowhard (like Mussolini at his worst) and there would be problems with his thuggish followers. But there is no larger, more powerful nearby country with the perceived Dictator Numero Uno for him to emulate. Putin is no Hitler. He is a cautious pragmatist. Trump would be hanging about with the likes of the Chinese leadership, Merkel, Trudeau and Modi. He would be outclassed and I suspect his foreign policy would be isolationist/protectionist. The right wing of the Republican Party would be severely embarrassed.
OK this is fiction and it looks like Trump is already heading for irrelevance.]


Getting prolonged violent abuse by fascist transphobes turned me from a Green party supporter to a libertarian-communist, although I was probably already heading in that direction anyway.


What does this mean?

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