Trump complains Puerto Ricans "want everything to be done for them"

Today Trump calls critics, “politically motivated ingrates”.

Christ, what an asshole.


Just wait.

When he tours Puerto Rico, I bet that he doesn’t see her at all, smears her to the press, says patronizing things about Puerto Rico, and will not let go.

Hmm. The only thing worse would if he does meet her and does all the rest anyway.


The GOP aren’t conservatives, they’re fascists.

Millions of dead and suffering brown people isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.


So far the Fox News coverage strategy seems to be “what’s Puerto Rico?”

I wouldn’t count on that ever happening. The last time he “toured” a disaster zone was when he pretended to go to Houston, but instead hung out about 200 miles away in a Corpus Christi fire station with a bunch of white boards and whiter people and bragged about the number of hurricane victims who came to visit. Besides, haven’t you heard that getting aide to the island is literally the hardest thing this country has ever had to do?


So Donald is recommending Juche?

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“…think of it as a Hawaii full of ungrateful Mexicans.”


Insight from the endemic liar who, without his daddy’s political connections and money, bankruptcies, tax breaks and ripping off of lenders, contractors and employees would be nothing. And, if human decency mattered anymore, is nothing.

Yeah I mean it’s not like we landed people on the moon or anything.


He’s the FREAKIN’ PRESIDENT! She’s just the mayor of the capital city that was just devastated by a hurricane. What kind of resources does he expect her to have after everything was completely destroyed? This guy… this human monster… how long can this go on? Is there still not enough evidence regarding Russia, let alone everything else he has said and done to get this malevolent subhuman out of office? This is on the heads of the GOP. Hopefully, history will not be kind to these fascists. Not kind in any manner.


“When Estados Unidos sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”


Thanks for the correction. Darn autocorrect.

That’s funny, Brock, I seem to remember us LANDING ON THE MOON a few times.


Ah! Autocorrect is gonna lead us to big trouble one day, isn’t it! :wink:

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Turns out, this is not a satirical piece.


I know where he can put that trophy.


Haven’t they suffered enough?

I bet he followed that gesture up by raising a glass of $5000/bottle champagne to those currently dying from lack of drinking water. (He didn’t actually drink the champagne since he’s a teetotaler but it was a nice gesture before he poured it out on the lawn.)

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