Whole lot different when they’re knocking on your front door, eh Donnie Donnie?
I’ve seen it first hand. I worked with someone with NPD who always talked a big a game but when confronted with actual situations usually recoiled in fear. One of those situations was when the ex-fiance of a recently former employee showed up in our parking lot one evening and was sitting in her car. His first response was to call the police. I went out there with a bottle of water for her. She was just sitting in her car crying because her boyfriend recently broke up with her. After I let her talk it out for a bit she calmed down and left. No guns, tasers, or handcuffs required.
And who knows if we dig further we could even find something resembling the Reichstag fire.
Seeing Trump under a table in the White House sucking his thumb just can’t but bring laughter by association to anyone who didn’t live under a rock during the mid 90s.
I hope he remembered his binky!
I have no doubt the Secret Service had to hustle the demented, impeached, cowardly, racist, orange turd into a bunker because that’s what they have to do with any president. I’m also equally sure that with just about any other president, there wouldn’t have been any need to.
It was only for a few hours- Ivanka had a meeting scheduled and kicked him out.
The cartoonist really did just go full Disney’s animated Robin Hood Prince John on his ass. Complete with the ear tugging. I can hear that illustration.
He is ALWAYS scared. Beneath that thin orange skin you’ll find the soul of a coward who constantly overcompensates with a “tough guy” public persona.
I was just thinking of “The Dead Zone” and Mass Murderer Trump yesterday. The joke is that were Trump to shield himself with a child, the White House would instantly deny it despite video and photos, while Fox News would insist that Trump was carrying the child to safety. In the days following the incident, various pundits would suggest that the president’s life was far more important than a child’s anyway.
I would like to believe he was “afraid” don’t forget he is a sociopath
Wait, I don’t get that. Are feelings of fear and sociopathy mutually exclusive?
I can’t say conclusively, but I think not.
Judging from this idiots response in certain situations I’d say he is very much
a physical coward.
So disappointed to not see this gif yet…
FAKE NEWS. He didn’t “run away,” he hid in the basement!!
Aww man… those bastards better not ruin Hawaiian shirts for me…
Jimmy Buffet took care of that long before the mistakes those assholes came from ever happened.
But he also killed the person who killed Hitler.
Then again, he killed the person who killed the person—
Wait, this is how we get infinitely recursive Hitler!
My chief complaint is that he didn’t kill Hitler soon enough.
FAKE NEWS. He didn’t “run away,” he hid in the basement!!
FAKE NEWS! He hid under the bed.