Trump cranks up the crazy to 11 in this ABC interview. Highlights and full transcript

Well, potential terrorists can take a break. I’ve never felt so imperiled.


It’s alright. He’ll be sending the same investigative team he sent to Hawaii to look up Obama’s birth certificate.


It’s too soon to forget the Constitution was a compromise between southern slave holding states and the rest of the country. The 3/5ths compromise was designed to give the slave holding states more representation and a stronger chance to control Presidential outcomes through the EC. That’s the only reason it exists, to mollify folks who thought you could treat a person as property, but then count the property as a person in order to give your state more power.

The EC is a relic of slavery. Our entire history is one of class warfare and treating the poor and minorities like cattle that can be used as tools to an economic outcome, not the actual soul of our great nation, which is what they truly are.


I am starting to see why LSD was so popular in the 60’s.


I think that falls directly into the category of ‘victim blaming’.


Don’t look at the player, look at the ball. Outside of media, nobody cares if he gets booed or praised at this or that speech gathering, and bickering over that just makes you look partisan.

What people do care about is what he signs into law. That cannot be contested. Make sure any legislative action he takes is clearly shown as a right-wing attack on poor and middle classes, and that he has no clue how to run a modern economy. Stick to the paper, stick to the facts. The other angle is his personal corruption; make sure anything his sons do is reported, every conflict of interest, every possible bung, every orgy he has. Not in the past, that sounds like persecution - from today onwards. Keep asking for his tax records. Throw any anti-corruption law at him.

Everything else, every time you bicker about the size of a crowd or booing or his fabulist allegations, you’re playing his game, going after his feints. What he says does not matter, he’ll say anything and its opposite: “we’ll deport everyone but we won’t”, “we’ll use torture but we won’t”, “we’ll build a wall but we won’t”. Keep your eyes on the paper, that’s what matters.

Note: I speak from experience with Berlusconi. He thrived from partisan bickering, and suffered when his half-assed laws failed to change anything or made things worse. A lot of people say he was undone by the sex/corruption scandal, but a lot of it was tiredness: after 20 years in and out of (at times even absolute) power, none of his promises had been delivered.


Hint: read transcripts, don’t watch videos.


I reduce the occasions when I have to bear it. I don’t watch TV news (useless 90% of the time anyhow) and I have browser plugins that change his name and title and that replace his photos with cute kittehs. He and his childish stupidity are still a presence, of course, but they’re just not in my face all the time.

So install the extensions, listen to BBC and CBC radio news for breaking stories, and read reputable news outlets in print only. You’ll continue to be informed and your life will be improved.


Could you say something, please. Anything. Make a statement about something. Not an insult about someBODY; instead, discuss some actual topic. Giving examples to prove your point is always a good choice.

ETA: the formal name of the USA is: United States of America.


He continues to advocate simple fixes for complex problems. A lot of people are going to buy into that. Nevermind that the actual policy making part is a lot more complicated. Immigration problems? Build a wall! It’s not like, you know, airplanes are a thing; everyone knows them Mexicans sneak across the border. Middle East problems? Simple, take their oil. Problem solved. No more heads on sticks. He sounds crazy to us but there are a lot of people who listen to that and feel he is on the right track.

Not sure how his supporters feel about all his blowhard stuff about crowd size. To me it’s embarrassing to hear him obsess over it. He spent at least half the interview on the crowd size, the voter turnout and very little on policy and substance.


That name sounds very North Korean.


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