Trump [does not — see update] Vietnam War with Desert Storm in bizarre speech (video)

Well, I didn’t do it. What was the other story, though?

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I am lacking evidence for this. I don’t have evidence, just my perception from watching his appearances. And wishing America would run some better candidates. I know that Newsome has run a quiet backup campaign, for good reason. Newsome is very smart and competent and would make an excellent candidate.

How did “covfefe” not appear in this “speech”?

I dunno, it really sound like he talked about Vietnam, period. And then went on to talk about Desert Storm, because of all things Vietnam was, it was not swift.

Then why bring it up in the first place.


Not the same as de-platforming them.
Which is definitely effective.

Sounds like you believe. In him. In his chances. In his organization’s ability to get him back into power.

By whom?

It’s official: Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote


More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.

The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Clinton’s 2.1% margin ranks third among defeated candidates, according to statistics from US Elections Atlas. Andrew Jackson won by more than 10% in 1824 but was denied the presidency, which went to John Quincy Adams. In 1876, Samuel Tilden received 3% more votes than Rutherford B. Hayes, who eventually triumphed by one electoral vote.


Confused Dogs GIF by MOODMAN
So…dems in red/purple states were supposed to use their bats to force MAGAts into exile? But they moved to others states instead? I don’t think that’s how living in states works?

Here is the transcript of the complete statement:

He was talking about US military aircraft deployed in WWII, then Korea, then Vietnam, then Desert Storm and stumbled on “swift/sweeping” between Vietnam and Desert Storm. It was all dumb Trump talk, but he didn’t confuse Vietnam with Desert Storm. The post is misleading. It also happened in 2020 but it’s presented like it just happened as one of “his recent gaffes.”


I would love it if he is losing his marbles. However, I just think he is losing a step in his ability to speak off the cuff. He is so ill informed that it is amazing he ever made sense.

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Trump was a fascist in 2016, he was a fascist in 2020 and he’s a fascist in 2024. Anyone who was able to delude themselves into thinking they weren’t voting for a fascist then will have no problem continuing to delude themselves now.


I’m far from the only one thinking it. The Economist ran an article wishing there were some stronger, and younger, candidate to take on Trump.

How much more clearly do they need to say it? Do they need results of medical tests or something before they’re allowed to run a story like this?

Many other news sites also have said the same thing.

I’m sure many in the Democratic party leadership are also thinking about it and are concerned.

“But mom, all the other kids are doing it, too!”
A powerful argument.


The Economist, a publication famously allied with progressive interests, had a cover with a bad analogy about Biden’s age. Lots of cars made in '42 and before are still road worthy, my dude. “Many people are saying” sounds familiar, but it isn’t exactly an argument that Biden is not fit to be president, particularly when no actual evidence that he isn’t fit is being presented.


When Newsom runs for POTUS (as he almost certainly will in '28) the party is going to get a big reminder of his own problematic qualities, including some extremely bad decisions regarding romantic partners. Like the time he married the nut who is currently engaged to Don Jr., or the time when he was a 39-year-old mayor wining and dining a woman who was below the legal drinking age.

And I say this as someone who will probably end up voting for Newsom over whoever the Republicans run in 2028.

“If only the incumbent would step aside and let Gavin run now” would hardly be a slam-dunk election-wise.


Like a kid with a dysfunctional family saying to his friend, “I’m sorry you had to see that.”


The whole “biden is a gomer” thing pisses me off. The republicans started it, said the lie enough times that democrats started to repeat it as if it is some fact. No one can point to anything he’s actually done, decided, or said that shows him in cognitive decline. Meanwhile, ToG is a mumbling dipshit fascist… but, oh the evil Liberal Press…


Hi there. I am American, and Donnie has failed twice to win the majority of votes, the second time against the current guy he’s running against and by even more votes. Since then he’s been indicted 91 times, including for stealing and dealing some of our top classified secrets, for which anyone else already would have been buried in a hole so deep you’d never see them again, and that trial hasn’t even started yet. He also convinced millions of his supporters that COVID was no big deal, they didn’t need vaccines, and they could chug horse dewormer to cure it. They died for him, in far larger numbers than any other group.

He’s also old as fuck. I mean, everyone wants to call it out about Biden, but no one seems to say the same about the orange clown.

If he’s running, Democrats and Independents are hugely motivated to go vote AGAINST him. If he’s running, moderate Republicans are not motivated to get off their asses and do anything (see Iowa caucus results, when half of the “loyal” GOP voted for ANYONE else but their former president they supposedly loved).

I’m 98% sure he’s going to lose. Bigly. The GOP will need to completely crash the economy AND somehow blame Biden for it to win this fall, and they’re going to lose all over. Lose the House. Lose the Senate. Lose a few more states. Just as they are losing the debate on abortion everywhere (and it’ll be up on the ballot, I guarantee it).


The Economist?

Bored Come On GIF

The only reason they oppose T is because they are stability capitalists, not chaos capitalists.


Define recent.

I hate the guy as much as everyone else but come on.


And racism. Don’t forget the racism…

Come On Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

episode 8 bullshit GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

Yeah, they knew. Let’s stop pretending like people didn’t know what Trump was in 2016…

Yes, he was a fascist then too… He did not evolve into a fascist, HE ALWAYS WAS ONE.

People seem to forget that he has a stammer, and that’s not evidence of mental decline. It’s a condition he’s always had.

Again, stammer… so no, you don’t have evidence, so stop pretending like you do.

Unimpressed Spongebob Squarepants GIF