Trump [does not — see update] Vietnam War with Desert Storm in bizarre speech (video)

Thank you for your input, but there’s a hell of a lot of us bound snd determined to not let that happen. Ignoring fascists does not make them go away. Their kryptonite is being laughed at. With Il Douche, the material writes itself.


Hmm, I faintly remember the GOP doing this to another candidate…I wonder who that was? Not the gomer part, but the telling lies so often for so long that even some on the left started to repeat it as if it were fact. Who was that? Oh! I remember. It was Hillary Clinton.


Trump confuses Vietnam War with Desert Storm in bizarre speech

as OhHai already pointed out, he doesnt. please, @markfrauenfelder ?

yeah, exactly;

These planes once launched off of massive aircraft carriers in the fiercest battles of World War II. They raced through the skies of Korea’s MIG Alley. They carried American warriors into the dense fields and jungles of Vietnam. They delivered a swift and swippian – you know that, sweeping – it was swift and it was sweeping, like nobody’s ever seen anything happen – a victory in Operation Desert Storm.

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I joke about that a lot, but I’m way more concerned about Newsom’s politics. He’s younger than Biden, but he is not more progressive. Some reminders:

A lot of us wanted a Democratic President with more progressive bona fides than Biden. His entire career he’s been a solid centrist Democrat, sometimes even drifting into conservative Democrat territory. But…his has been the most progressive administration since probably LBJ’s. We need to start focusing on what he’s actually done, and what has been accomplished during his administration, and not on what he did as a Senator. People like to ask, “What have you done for me lately” when someone is riding on past accomplishments. Well we should do the same here. And what Biden has done lately (with the possible exception of not pushing Israel hard enough to not commit genocide) has been pretty damn good. Would I prefer someone younger and even more progressive? Of course! But that’s not an option this year, and the option we do have is not the lesser of two evils. He’s actually pretty good. Let’s start letting people know.


One of them recognizes he was elected President. The other felt he was coronated. If Biden were medically incapacitated, he’d step down. The other guy strong armed his doctor into saying he was healthier and just as tall as Obama. Biden listens to experts. Trump believes he knows more than Fauci, the weather service, his generals, the consensus of scientists, the state department. There is no evidence that Biden is incapacitated. Even if he were sick, democracy would continue. The nation has dealt with sick, senile, dying and dead Presidents. Trump, unique among presidents, tried to stay in office despite losing. Had his ego not allowed him to believe he’d be re-elected, he might have mounted a less half-assed attempted coup. He has devoted energy since then to mounting a more effective coup.

Don’t conflate apples and fascists. They do not deserve being lumped together.


mood GIF


I certainly hope you’re correct but best not to let your confidence lead to complacency. Polls say this election will be uncomfortably close, and there are always a bunch of external factors that candidates have no control over which can come into play.

Even if the 98% odds are correct we still need to treat this election like the future of our democracy depends upon it. Because it does, and a 1 in 50 chance of losing our democracy is still way too high.


TBF, it is possible she had completely different politics then. I have known people who once they dated/married someone having their politics do a near 180. (I don’t know, as I don’t know anything about her during her time with Newsom.)

He seems to be a pretty typical Neo-liberal, which doesn’t really line up with progressive ideas. Sure, he is pro-gun control, but other than that he is waaayyy to pro-cop (or using “more cops” as the solution to societal problems), hasn’t done much in the way of easing the homeless problem (and the outrageous housing costs in CA). Most of what he is into seems to be more or less a 90s era Republican, with an occasional surprise nod to left of center. :confused:


I see people fretting about complacency all over the place, but never anyone who actually seems to be complacent. It’s like people are taking even the most basic optimism as dangerous complacency.


To me saying that the outcome is 98% guaranteed goes far beyond “basic optimism,” but whatever.

Or this whole thing with his campaign manager’s wife:


My ex-wife. Went from liberal progressive to far-right conservative after we divorced. I assume that was mostly to line up with her new hubby. Me personally, I don’t date folks whose political leanings I believe are detrimental to a functional democracy, so I’ll never understand folks whose politics swing like the wind.


It was the one about Trump being booed. People were booing the protester at his rally, not him.

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If DeSantis was mentally in shape enough for the position he would have run a competent campaign.


Desantis appeals to the kind of socially isolated, self-unaware, and easy to manipulate person who watches more than five videos on FB showing black people looting somewhere/sometime and then goes out to buy another gun to protect themselves in case they see any in their unincorporated township… but who also doesn’t like Trump.

There aren’t many of them. THANK FUCKING GOD!


Sounds like you believe. In him. In his chances. In his organization’s ability to get him back into power.

I do, and I really hope US people vote for the alternative, whoever that is, and that I’m wrong on Trump winning again. It worked once for them, almost twice, could work again. Best of luck to the US.

I disagree. I think we didn’t hit him hard enough. We let people think it was only liberal “elites” who hate him. I think we need to make people ashamed and afraid to support him. I think MOST of the “elites” support/ed trump and the idea that the “elites” opposed him is part of the big ass lie.

He’s an anti-American criminal who hates the Constitution and individual liberty.

Reddit is full of idiot trollies trying to pump his social media stock too. They must be desperate. Shame them, name them, make it clear that even poor dumbasses look down on them like trash.


Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF by NBC


I’m sure everybody agrees the majority of the American left, and voters in general would prefer a stronger, younger candidate than Biden.
But wanting a presidential candidate under 80 is not necessarily the same thing as thinking Biden isn’t mentally sound enough to do the job.

As far as I can tell, the idea Biden is going senile is mostly ageism with a big dollop of political rat-fuckery - since the Right is amplifying every slip of the tongue and minor mistake to make people think he is frail and dementia ridden.

Speaking of ridden, a prime example of that bullshit is how big of a deal right-wing media made of Biden falling off his bike.
Anyone who rides regularly will have the occasional accident, and Biden is still riding regularly at eighty-fucking-one. Kinda a sign of the exact opposite of what they seemingly successfully convinced a lot of people it meant.


I mean sure… I’m legitimately worried Biden will drop dead from an age related malady, but he seems mentally sound compared to Trump in an obvious way.

I just think even if Biden dies like the day after the election is called it’d still be better than Trump.