Trump emerges from hiding to accuse Dems of "cheating" in election



Hey, those rats aren’t going to fuck themselves.


Meh. We’ve been talking about an infrastructure bill. If 45 won’t leave the WH, pour a few million tons of concrete over it and build a new one for President Biden.


I hear he’s a big fan of tear gas and rubber bullets for protesters trespassing on government property.


Somehow, I really doubt the rest of the world is ‘gleefully watching’, considering the US’s capacity for fucking up the entire planet as a whole.


Idaho doesn’t have enough budget to pay for that much land. It’s mostly state and federal land, not private. If the folks there want to move to Boise, nobody’s stopping them. Don’t let the Snake River wet their ass on the way out.


You have it backwards.

Is exactly why

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So just the misanthropes, then.


This. Can’t speak for the rest of the planet but from this island there is utterly no glee. Watching the last four years from a distance has been horrifying and the pace of fuckery has only accelerated in 2020. I can’t imagine having to live through it.

We’re hoping for the best for you.


Sincerely, thank you.

I know the US is an easy target for derision and ridicule; our “powers that be” are the biggest hypocrites on the planet, extolling the myth of our “exceptional” freedom and democratic rule while actively undermining both tenets throughout the world.

I know that as a nation, we have brought most of this clusterfuck upon ourselves; it is the culmination of at least 60 years worth of corrosive nationalism, anti-intellectualism, racism, sexism, materialism and apathy for anyone who is different.


If anyone has been wondering how far Trump will go to avoid defeat, add up the Coronavirus deaths since about April, and that’s the people that he’s sacrificed to get here in November.

I haven’t checked the Trump timeline, but April is about when he realized that he was going to wear the Covid problem for the rest of the election cycle, and “took back” the problem from the doctors (according to Jared).

I’d want to see when he started ranting about mail-in voting, aimed at his base. That’s when he realized the advantage of filtering Trump and Biden votes into different streams, and his Covid response was tailored towards that goal from then on: Huge fear for anyone with sense, and everything is fine for Trump supporters.

Louis DeJoy wasn’t appointed Postmaster General until June, but there were probably political delays in getting that done.

Just rough thoughts because I’m about to fall asleep, but it seems to fit the monster.


We’re really not. I woke up this morning, a few minutes ago, actually, and I was shocked when I read the current news. The last two days since the election have been bad but it seemed that Biden was slowly but steadily inching towards a win and it would all be over. I know, of course, that it wouldn’t be over, what with court cases and such, and that he is still on track to win but I guess I expected to wake up to the news that he had cleared 270 and there would at least be a bit of a reprieve before the onslaught of legal challenges. Instead I wake up to the numbers having ground to a halt just shy of the target, Trump declaring victory and Bannon calling for literal beheadings.

US politics has stopped being a laughing matter (or a “popcorn” one) for me around the time of W (and before that it was not on my radar because I was young enough that I could barely take in our national ones). If anyone outside the US is watching this with glee it’s only because they are either naive or malicious. And of course apart from the selfish considerations I am afraid and sorry for the Americans I know and those I don’t that have to live in a nation that has once again proven how much it is built on white supremacy, regardless of who is going to “win” this election in the end. (We all know who has won, let’s see who will “win”, though)


I can only speak for myself, but I’m definitely not “gleefully watching”, especially since Democrats failed to take the control of senate and that means that meanigful global warming countermeasures will not be implemented by the US.
edit: If Dems won by a landslide and Trump would be bitching about that, then I’d definitely be gleefully watching. Now I’m just worried about the violence that may happen.


All that musing over the summer concerning “what if he refuses to concede” was interesting. And now we finally get to see it playing out in real life, so whomever kept wondering about that, your prognosticating skills are excellent.

There are few upsides to all this. He’s going to leave at some point, that’s a given. Biden is taking this thing and Trump will have no recourse. But he’s left our country in shambles. Coronavirus will continue to ravage the nation for months to come. 48% of the population is so deeply entrenched in their love for that lying sack of weasel shit that nothing Biden does when he takes office is going to stop them from refusing to wear masks, continuing to kill off tens of thousands who would otherwise live many more productive years. They’ll be working to undermine changes. If we don’t by some miracle (Stacey Abrams is that miracle I believe) take those two Georgia senate seats, than McConnell will rat fuck the country for another two years before we have an opportunity to try again.

We have at least a decade of digging out of this mess ahead, with half of us kicking and screaming all the way. The ONLY upside I can see is that MAYBE the Trump cultists turn on the GOP as well and blame them for his loss, not supporting his assertions of fraud, etc. That would weaken the GOP going forward. But other than Biden winning office to stem the flow of blood, America is deeply wounded, and the rest of the Dems are already pointing fingers at AOC and the other progressives for their “losses” on election night.

Still tired here. Still sad. I keep waiting for us to change. And I keep being deeply, painfully disappointed.


Such a good point. Not only will the US continue to not sign up to efforts to belatedly stop this runaway train it will also not lend its diplomatic heft to efforts to get others to sign up.


One small piece of “positive” out of that. The GOP ALSO did not take the senate (yet). Those two Georgia seats will go to a runoff, and while I don’t think we will win them, until then McConnell cannot seat a quorum to do any work. Not that he’s beyond ignoring the rules, but at the moment the Dems merely need to refuse to come to Washington to deny him a vote on anything. At least I think that’s the case, but again… maybe it’s just another made up rule McConnell can (and will) ignore.

Note: and I just realized I was wrong, because the current senate remains the senate until the swearing in. Never mind, just woke up.


Or is it that we are not helping because that’s what he tortoise to do?


^^^Definitely a groaner.^^^
I’d throw some peanuts but that only works in bars.


You’re welcome to come to Philly yourself and give that a try, you sack of shit.