John has a long mustache. Répéter, John has a long mustache.
There’s also talk that he didn’t want to do cable TV spots defending Trump’s tariff war and other positions he didn’t agree with.
That does sound like the kind of thing Trump and Bolton would both get prickly over, from their own perspectives.
(It sounds like one part of menu of reasons these awful people would have trouble co-operating on shared goals, though.)
So if this thing about Wilbur Ross threatening to fire people gains traction he might be out?
If he gets sufficiently mocked in the press, I’d say it might very well cancel out his benefit as a spineless yes-man and eager boot-licker, as far as Trump is concerned.
I have a feeling the next nominee to fill the role of National Security Advisor will be a broom handle with a pair of googly eyes glued to it.
Slightly less qualified than the broom, but I hear Milo could use a paying job.
As I’ve been saying for quite a while:
Kurgan would never work for Trump. He’d call him a sniveling worm as Trump shat at his feet in terror, begging him to be saved. He would then stick his head on a pike, and threaten to decapitate anyone who didn’t vote for him.
Kurgan takes shit from and follows noone. And he’s pure evil.
So, only slightly worse than Trump, but only due to the fact that he’s immortal.
Daily diet of fillet o fish will get to Trump before McCloud could get to Kurgan
Another commissar vanishes.
Edited to add: I hate it when I misuse the reply button.
Yeah, I mean this can’t be buyer’s regret. With Bolton you always know what you are getting, and he has been his usual self all the time he was working for Trump.
Blessent mon cœur d’une langueur monotone.
When this news broke, I wondered if there was any plan for a meeting, or just a carefully timed cancellation that got all the media focus Trump wanted. Anything described as a secret by the administration that a) displayed business reports as stacks of (probably blank) paper and b) agreements with Mexico on a single sheet of paper pulled from 45’s suit pocket, makes me skeptical.
And now, a little comic interlude:
Heck, how many times now is it that Trump invited people to an event, they turned him down and then he made a big show about “canceling” the event that was a non-starter? Or made claims that some sort of negotiations are well underway (or even concluding) when the two sides haven’t even made preliminary contact yet. Seems to happen on a regular basis.
In this case, Trump thought he could insert himself into the tail end of a “peace process” because he saw it as an opportunity to get the Nobel prize he thinks he deserves. But like in all previous such situations, he didn’t know what was going on, wasn’t invited to participate, did an end-run around the people and processes that were actually involved, and screwed it up, resulting in his public tantrum that set back the actual peace process as a result. (Pretty much the same thing happened with Kashmir - he tried, uninvited, to insert himself in the talks there and ended up destabilizing Indian/Pakistani relations and pushed India into cracking down on Kashmir.)
It’s amazing how dangerous Trump is in his ignorance and ego, even when he doesn’t do anything. Arguably people have died as a result.
Trump uses the same model for dealing with event logistics as any alt-right/nazi’s advocate drama-magnet who gets invited to speak at a college by a student group and finds they have low ticket sales.
(I just realize that “Devil’s Advocate” should be retired as a phrase today, in favor of “Nazi’s Advocate”. If anyone objects, just say, “No, it doesn’t mean you’re a Nazi, you’re just using Nazi arguments to provoke discussion.”)
Blessent mon cœur d’une langueur monotone.
Wasn’t that the radio “go” code to the French resistance that D-day was happening? At least in the movie?
Egad. Actually, aren’t all of the alumni from the Theranos board of directors available now?
Correct. And the movie was accurate in this point.
File under “face-saving strategies used by utter assholes,” I guess.