Trump has COVID-19

7 posts were split to a new topic: Regulating speech: cable vs. broadcast television :tv:

yeah, there doesn’t seem a great way to make the attribution look right. i deleted it to avoid any confusion. it just gets me that there are still reporters out there who are like: this time it will be different.

the administration can use any positive or negative thing to spur their supporters into a fury because their supporters are literally looking for any and every excuse for their behavior.

after four years of this, and countless years before of the gop working to perfect it, you’d think more reporters would catch on. and they haven’t.


you know what? Fuck trump and his whole cult of personality. No quarter, nor solace. Salt his crops and let’s hear the lamentation of his women. It’s about time that he gets what he gives. He has spent his political career mocking those around him. It’s fitting that in his time of need and his darkest hour that he hears a collective “fuck you.”

I hope he lives. I hope his stupidity hurts. I hope he becomes a tongue-in-cheek NYT crossword answer.


Looks yummy. I’d throw some pecans in the mix too, but, that’s just me.

Nah, the timing couldn’t be better, this is promo gold.

Trump qualifies for honor systems? I mean… really?


This whole scenario would meet with the approval of Edward Jenner, who famously used cowpox to defeat smallpox.
I mean, we seem to be witnessing one virus defeating another virus. It’s nature’s way of telling you something’s wrong.



Which one? The one he dragged through an extremely public humiliation and divorce? Or the one who accused him of marital rape? Or the one who won’t even allow him to touch her hand when she knows the cameras are rolling?

Worth saying twice.


Ouch! Wow, who peed in your corn flakes this morning?



One Down…


Watching the live update from the Guardian… he’s doing okay and is on a couple of treatments. He does not need oxygen and is fever free. :woman_shrugging:


I guess it is possible the hospital has a ‘no phones’ policy they can enforce even on him, or maybe his security people feel it is a risk using it somewhere like that. The silence from him is deafening though.

It’s hard to imagine him sitting up in bed watching the news and not belching a constant stream of calumny to the world.


I don’t think Walter Reed hospital is in the business of making partisan shit up? :woman_shrugging:


Walter Reed can’t legally tell anyone anything, due to HIPAA laws. That was Trump’s personal “presidential” physician, and most of the rest if I am not mistaken are functioning under their military “commander-in-chief”. I doubt they would say anything not cleared from above. It’s a military hospital, so I guess he’d be pretty much in charge.


I just think it’s far more likely that he has it, given his actions up to now, with regards to his own personal safety and that of others.


Yes, I have no doubt about that at this point. Otherwise, the tweet thing, as I said. If he wasn’t sick I doubt anyone now living or who had ever lived could stop him from it.

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I think Trump has covid, but I don’t trust information about Trump’s condition to be accurate. I mean, Trump definitely didn’t have a series of mini-strokes last year. I think I saw John Meacham reminding us that information about the president’s health hasn’t really been forthcoming from any administration (Regean’s senility, Woodrow Wilson’s stroke). I think we’ll know if Trump dies, but I think “cautiously optimistic” could mean anything from what it says to no one expects Trump to live until tomorrow.


I think it is more unknowable than definite. A mini-stroke can just be “my lips are a bit numb”, and no other major symptoms.


Oh, NBD, but now it turns out he had it 36 hours before the announcement.

A day before visiting Bedminster.

The day he went to Minnesota.

An absolute monster.