Trump: 'I have the right to do whatever I want as president' [VIDEO]



He really does think that he could rape a child on 5th Avenue and get away with it. And that’s how he should be asked the question and how people should discus it.

And all because of some flimsy memo from the Justice Department - nothing in the Constitution - nothing the Courts have decided. No one - especially Congress - should accept that memo as Law.


Does anyone besides me find that “criminals and rapists” remark to be a little weird? Like Trump doesn’t consider rapists to be criminals?


Yeah, and his level of self-knowledge is total shit.


Maybe that’s his latest plan for how he can build their wall. Free GOP shit bricks. Hah. As if he “plans.”

We really need to organize some strikes while we can.

I was going to say. Slow 3rd at best.

The man is ignorance personified wrapped in (presumably) human skin. He should be isolated and studied.

Aw, fuck. Maybe that’s what this is. We are in a computer simulation, and the entire point of the program is to study him.


Putin, Kim Jong-Un and Trump walk into a bar. Bartender says: “We don’t serve dictators here!”. Putin replies with an icy look, “I am the elected president of the Russian Federation, and you should know that words have consequences”. Kim declaims “I am the Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic, and the Korean people loves me more than their lives”. Trump winces and says “Look pal, I’m with them.”


I know this is fighting fire with nuclear weapons but has anyone ever considered creating a straw man counterperson for this?

Trump is always going on about somebody supposedly saying something and people random people that he never says who are just saying things and all this other random unprovable hearsay bullshit, and he makes things up completely out of thin air like this and no one calls him on it…

So can’t we just create someone who does the exact same spiel to counter his idiocy?

Ideally someone who seems to be from his own political side.

Have them feed off of whatever he says, then have them run with it convincingly but make them self-defeating enough in an obvious way so that even the mental cases that actually believe Trump can follow the idiot who isn’t Trump is lying to them broadly and out in the open.

If you do it creatively, and get them to link their statements and obvious provable idiocy directly to something Trump started to say, it might be a plausible way to undrink the Kool-Aid for his followers, get them to stop staring in space and actually realized Trump is lying to them out his ass every single second about major and simply disprovable things.

I just hear the brains imploding now…

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Goebbels said if you want to lie to a populace, make it the biggest lie possible.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”



Maybe we should all read and become more familiar with the constitution.

Oh and:
Christ, what an asshole


There’s a view that the president has certain powers described in Article II that are rather relilient, or even completely resilient, in the case of the pardon power) to outside challenge. Many of those powers are related to foreign policy. That’s what’s known as Article II authority, and it’s the basis of things like executive privilege. Barr is a big proponenct of this view, and either Barr is planning something evil, or Trump is misunderstanding the constitutional limits on his own power.

Of course Congress could challenge him, but at least half of congress is in the hands of spineless assholes.


Soon we’ll need one of these Ministry of Silly Walks thingys. Makes perfect sense, you commies.


This is just one of the hardwired phrases that comes out of his mouth when he’s trying to sell something – real estate, mail-order meat, shitty reality TV shows, doesn’t matter what it is – it’s all “unbelievable” and “everybody’s talking about it” and “no one has ever seen anything like this.”


Not exactly what you suggested, but: Technically, it should be possible to spin the public opinion into any direction, given enough resources and the lack of any ethics. IMHO one the best examples is still this one:

The story was fabricated after research showed that “killing babies” would have the most impact on public opinion.

But I see two problems:

  1. You would go down the rabbit hole even further, and the chance to get back to a reasonable conversation would be more out of reach than before. I do not only despise the politics of Trump and his administration, but also his methods.
  2. I can’t think of any “story” that could unsettle Trump’s supporters. He has survived accusations of tax fraud, rape, even allusions of an incestuous relation with his own daughter had no resonance whatsoever in his base. Children are actually dying in the detention centres at the Mexican border, so what worked in 1990 is not enough any more. I am at a complete loss, what would be necessary to make an average MAGA-hat see the true Trump.

And “Most people don’t know this,” which is usually applied to something that anybody that paid attention in 7th grade is aware of.


I think we can squeeze a Stanford Prison Experiment in there too. The original was flawed, and could never be repeated due to research ethics rules. But here we go!

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If he killed and ate a human infant on live television, the average MAGA-hat would find a way for that to be Hillary’s fault.


My thinking is the same, I really don’t want to go down the same path as him but nothing seems to faze the man.

It’s like he’s immune from the consequences of reality

There has to be a way to snap people out of it I just can’t think of anything.

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“L’etat c’est moi”
I thought we fought the Revolutionary War to get rid of kings and other political parasites.


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