Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/24/trump-insists-he-was-trolling.html
I like the part where Trump says he was looking right at the guy when he said all this-
and then the reporter he’s talking to says no sir, I wasn’t there yesterday.
Caught lying in the middle of another lie. Classic Trump.
And it doesn’t suprise me at all at this point that he believes the Church Of Bleach over the finest medical minds in the world.
He’s Donald Trump.
He’s a complete genetic moron, a gullible, dangerous lying idiot that is literally leading a death cult of grifters into killing us all, like the new Jim Jones.
Drink a whole bottle of that bleach, buddy, and get the fuck out our goddamned Whitehouse, you festering gobutit.
The Bleach Boys by the Dead Milkmen. Looks like they predicted Trumpy 30 years ago.
I have to roll my eyes with all the Jim Jones comparisons. Jones was competent enough to remember to have someone buy the kool aid. Trumpy just spouts off and all the little Trumplodytes have to come up with their own bleach to drink.
Also, Jim Jones was very much anti-racist. I mean regardless of the cult etc, he didn’t discriminate and believed in racial equality, unlike trump.
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
Are you washed in the bleach of the Lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the bleach of the Lamb?
Are you washed
( are you washed )
in the bleach
( in the bleach )
In the bowel-cleansing bleach of the Lamb?
Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the bleach of the Lamb?
– Elisha Hoffman 1878
(I posted this before, but I couldn’t resist.)
How about we not just take this at face value and gloss over the fact that he was very very obviously not joking / trolling / being sarcastic when he said it? There was no wry smile on his face, and no joking inflection in his voice. And anyone who’s ever seen video of him “joking” knows full well he broadcasts that shit when he thinks he’s being funny.
He was being dead fucking serious when he said it, and anyone who claims otherwise is a goddamn liar.
Ah, classic Trump! I mean he’s so well known for his jocularity and witticism. Always cracking jokes and making us laugh in these dark times. What a cad.
There was, in no way, sarcasm, not even a slightly facetious genius, to this question. This is Disinfection 101, you don’t drink chlorine. You do not add bleach to your mixed drinks. You don’t chew on pool tablets. But give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he truly wanted to express his belief that anyone who would watch a White House Press Briefing, and one attended by the President of the United States of America, is an idiot.
or the March 25th edition of the onion.
Theoretically, Jim Humble is still the leader of Genesis II, but he’s probably at the same stage as his mentor Elron Hubbard when they stuffed his stroked-out ass in a Bluebird bus and waited for him to die. (Assuming there was no pillow involved. Hard to tell with David Miscavige.)
In which case he was being sarcastic during a pandemic briefing, and spouting misinformation to confuse the discussion, rather than doing what he was supposed to in that situation, giving accurate information. (Not that he ever does, but…) His “defense” is pretty bad by itself.
Isn’t it giving Trump a bit too much credit to imagine he actually is able to read all the messages he recieves?
I’m sure there’s plenty of slavering toadies willing to read for their supreme-leader.
On the 14th March this year my “eccentric” cousin in Canada sent me a document advising me that the virus could be dealt with by injections of Hydrogen Peroxide.
Yeah, thanks, we are not doing that. Ever.