Trump is mad 'Parasite' won Movie of the Year because it's from South Korea

Odds that Donald J. Trump has ever, in his life, had the attention span to watch Gone with the Wind from beginning to end in one sitting?


“Good people on both sides” something something …

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I feel a teeny bit guilty! To be fair I did signal that I was trolling my mate…

Also, I think I might be trying to alleviate my pain by spreading it. That is so bad it boggles the mind.

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There is no way that Trump even knows that tidbit. Nor about irony, for that matter.

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Boo-ng Fucking Ho-o for you.

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Or ANY movie, for that matter.

I was once in a theater watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, when the subtitles started. I heard a voice shout, “What? You gotta read this shit?”, followed by a half dozen people leaving the theater while swearing loudly about having to read movies.


The first 5 I thought of off the top of my head were:
The Godfather
Annie Hall
Forrest Gump
Schindler’s List

Most of them still go back quite a way…but not 80 freakin’ years.


The fact he couldn’t even reference any of those films or even films from the last decade just shows how uncultured the screaming orange is.

Hmm, I’m weird. The first ‘Best Picture’ that came to my mind was Wings. (And wow, was Clara Bow ever a hottie in it!)

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i’ve been mostly enjoying my non film nerd friends coming to me, asking for other good korean movies and telling them to check out the vengeance trilogy


And are you 75 years old?

I feel like you missed that point.

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A whole group of my friends had the same reaction as one another. We watched it, we liked it, but then when we left the theater we started feeling worse and worse about it until finally, about an hour later, we were ranting to each other about how awful it was. I think we felt like we were the victims of an emotional con job.


The subtleties of subtitles


We just happened to be trying to cross Powers Blvd. here in Colorado Springs when his extensive motorcade went by. It was flashy. I’d managed to forget he was coming here.


My wife and I looked at each other and said “I need a shower after watching that…yuck”


That’s exactly what the film’s distributor (Neon) tweeted in response…


He really is like a slightly toned down Andrew Dice Clay.

Another one like Gone With the Wind and Parasite that he hasn’t actually seen. Look, he’s no movie buff; he only watches TV, mainly Fox News and maybe a few shows that reinforce his worldview, like NCIS and 24.

Frankly, Donald, I don’t give a damn.