Trump is mad 'Parasite' won Movie of the Year because it's from South Korea

Imagine him completely bald! Gives off major Lex Luthor vibes…

Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll add this to ever growing list of rally rants: “lock her up” “the noise from windmills causes cancer” “flushing toilets 10-15 times” “incandescent lights make me look orange”
You’ll notice his rallies have little or nothing to do with politics or policy–they’re just a list of boasts (most of which are false) non sequiturs and whining rants that he runs through like a greatest hits album. And people actually show up to these things.


Normally I agree that it’s wrong to talk about a group of people as being monolithic… but if you did want to talk about a group of people being monolithic in their thinking, and you had to pick a group to talk about that way, “People who attend Trump rallies” would probably be about the best choice.

And I hope we don’t do more than roll our eyes at this particular insane but meaningless outburst. I understand why we’re all here to make jokes about Trump doing this (and a few of them were great, shout out to @serfer0 for the you’re so vain take) but I just sincerely hope this does not become a sincere American discussion about whether best picture should be for American movies only with panels of “serious” people explaining their “serious” position on the matter.

I feel like people said, “It’s important not to normalize this” and so they report on every ridiculous, awful thing that happens, but they really don’t understand how to avoid normalizing something.


And shows them as the noble victims of northern aggression. It’s lost cause bullshit, all the way down. It idealizes the institution of slavery and the aristocratic lifestyle that it supported. You’re supposed to identify with Scarlet and her transformation from a spoiled young girl, to a strong southern belle who rebuilds in the wake of an unjust war. That’s the whole god damn thing.


Gone with the Wind? I thought he was going say Birth of a Nation


the irony isn’t lost on me; however, I’d argue most 70±somethings if asked to name a movie that epitomizes “best picture winner” most will say Gone With the Wind. It sort of is the most widely known film of that “category”.

You’re 1000% right…but I will give that a pass.


You think so? I mean, people who are 70 were born 11 years after Gone with the Wind… seems like they’d have a film that won during their own lives would be their go to?


Hmm - sounds a bit like a number of nearly past-it, relying-on-former glories, stand-up comedians. Which is largely what Trumpty has become at his rallies, it seems. I mean, I’d show up to one of these things for the laughs if I thought everyone else was there for the same reason. To laugh at him, not with him, that is. Well, I can dream…

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I think that ship sailed somewhere between the 1980s and 2010. (Previously)

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I think he may be best explained as an insult comedian, he just does whatever gets applause or laughs. Nobody in the building, Trump or followers, are policy wonks. If he gets elected, rallies may eventually consist entirely of fart jokes.


I assume the fact of its racism is the actual point? It’s not that he’s saying it’s a good film, but that it’s American and, more importantly, the right kind of American film. Not the liberal yada yada that they make now.

Which is what the far right whine about when they talk about entertainment (conveniently forgetting that a large portion of mainstream US film output is made in cooperation with its military and is chock full of imperialist warmongering propaganda.

Sorry for the non-sequitur but I was out at a gig last night and a friend admitted a sneaking liking for Aaron Sorkin so I had to troll him with this, possibly the most embarrassing thing ever broadcast. It makes me embarrassed to share a species with anybody involved in this stinking turd of propaganda…


Is this the thread where they’re giving out likes?!?

I totally agree with that.

Yep… that “hollyweird” is indoctrinating people into the “wrong” ideas, instead of into the “right” (ha, ha or right wing) ones.


My mom (75) and her siblings (and their SOs) are all in their 60’s and 70’s. To a man if I asked them “hey name 3 ‘best picture’ movies” they’d all come back with some combo of Gone With The Wind, Sound of Music, Casablanca, Ben-Hur, and probably My Fair Lady.

I agree with @Brainspore that Nostradumbass would select that one for the obvious reasons he stated; even if it’s subconscious. But I do think GWTW is more than likely at the top of most 70-something’s minds as the ultimate example of a best picture winner.

My “evidence” and reasoning is purely anecdotal.

I also agree with you that normally people would pick something more in line with something contemporary to them…but personally I don’t think of Slumdog Millionaire, Million Dollar baby, Argo, The Shape of Water…all contemporaries for me. I tend to think of Gandhi, Rocky, The Godfather, Platoon…all movies that I certainly didn’t see in the theaters, but I think of as best picture films more so than Titanic or American Beauty.


Sees movie clip with subtitles.

“What kind of movie is this? A book?”


Feeding red meat to hungry xenophobes.

American Beauty has not aged well (not that I liked it at the time, so I’m biased, but Kevin Spacey perving on a teenager has gotten an extra-bad look to it).


Yeesh. Do I talk to you or to Aaron Sorkin about getting that 3:04m of my life back?


“…and why don’t you all just let me hang on to that power myself for safe keeping.”

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ironic though it’s the wrong gender.

I hated American Beauty and could not for the life of me understand why it won best picture beyond its shock value.