Trump is mad that Michelle Obama called him out for being a birther

Trump is mad. Sad.

Isn’t it “strange” that the Heritage Foundation forget to label that reduction on their graph?


The graph looks like it has been annotated by twelve year olds.


Are they still beating up on Carter? Served in the US Navy, a trained engineer, reduced the US budget deficit to less than 2.5%, promoted free trade and reduced international tariffs, started real energy conservation…

As for defence, spending on defence under both Nixon and Ford fell in real terms - Carter stopped the cuts and instituted the stealth programmes, cruise missiles and the MX ICBM. And he secured SALT II.

Oh that the current President was half the man that Jimmy Carter is.


Just wait 'till they get the Space Force going…


“No, you’ve got preservatives!”


Donald Trump is fairly old. Best case scenario, if he were immediately indicted, convicted, and sent to prison for the rest of his life, he would still suffer for only a few years.

As an atheist, I don’t believe there’s anything after death, so I have no expectations of eternal torture for a monster like Trump.

It would be nice, though, if we could somehow enshrine Trump’s name in world culture as a synonym for something appropriately horrible. Most U.S. school kids recognize the name of “Benedict Arnold” as a traitor. How do we wedge Trump into some generally accepted historical role like that?

Is it even possible anymore? I mean, Richard Nixon was an outright criminal and there has been a semi-successful Republican effort to salvage his reputation for decades now. Ronald Reagan was another outright criminal (not an exaggeration – he clearly broke Federal laws) and the Republicans have nearly managed to beatify him.

Then there’s the case of a living piece of homophobic human garbage named Rick Santorum. Columnist Dan Savage came up with the brilliant idea of publicizing the term “Santorum” to describe the frothy residue of anal sex, and this apt comparison went viral for a time. But that was a few years ago. Rick Santorum still appears on tv regularly to spew his fetid hatred, and I sometimes think I’m the only one who remembers Savage’s joke and laughs at Santorum’s toxic boobery. Is there no longer any permanent way to brand a scumbag as a scumbag?




There’s always “debilitating stroke rendering him incapable of speech but leaving him with enough awareness to watch as his legacy and corrupt family collapse into ruin.”

Heck, I’d even chip in to his hospice care if it would help him live long enough to see Mar-a-Lago reclaimed by the sea.


Trump isn’t likely to survive until next Spring. After the 2 year anniversary of his inauguration Pence will be eligible for the next 2 presidential elections. And he is not so horribly compromised by all of this insanity. At that point Trump will be more useful as a martyr, and his spawn/hangers on will be useful scapegoats for a ‘housecleaning’ new administration.

Instead, he is squeaky clean and will move quickly to exploit the corrupted legal and political system Trump has created to move towards some form of Gilead.

And, sadly, all the people who are currently outraged and offended will relax, because a grownup is in charge. Those of us who can pass for white and Christian anyway. Everyone else will be fucked.


When it was convenient for him to sell books, Obama’s own agent advertised him as having been born in Kenya.

Even Snopes confirms this.

Christ, what an asshole.

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What is your point? That someone who was not Obama claimed he was born in Kenya to suit their own ends?


From your link:

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself

There is ZERO evidence that Obama ever claimed to have been born in Kenya or knowingly allowed himself to be presented as such.

Even if he had, anyone who wanted to get to the truth of the matter could have done so with a trivial amount of effort.

The birther movement was never anything more than a cynical, racist ploy designed to appeal to bigoted idiots. And it worked.


Par for the course for the stochastic terrorist in chief…


What he did with the military was a lot more “unsafe” (“lethal”, “horrifying”) to a lot of people around the globe. But that’s not something specific for Obama - it’s just what US presidents do.


Trump doesn’t believe 90% of the stuff he sez. He clearly has a sadistic bent and likes fucking with people.

Occam’s razor - the simplest explanation is usually the best…

He likes screwing with people so much - it seriously detracts from his effectiveness.

It almost makes you miss George H. W. Bush. His only crime was raising taxes.

Well, that and Iran-Contra.

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