Trump lies about freezing up on stage

Originally published at:


Is it a day ending in Y?


When I followed that link I was not expecting an article about RFK Jr laughing in a Fox presenter’s face for suggesting Biden get drug tested before the presidential debates.
Dude had part of his brain eaten by a worm, before it died of the mercury poisoning he simultaneously had going on up there. He believes almost every conspiracy fantasy ever uttered by more than two people.
If that guy finds your line of attack literally laughable, it’s time to try a new tack.

Or not, maybe Trump isn’t the only one seizing up. Hopefully him and Mitch are just the first showing symptoms and the whole GOP is overloading so hard on cognitive dissonance they’re all going to start 404ing…


When you have to reboot your robot human suit …





Randy Rainbow has a new song - and its a belter:


Russian intelligence pushes a poorly timed Over-the-Air patch of The Mandarin Candidate?


Edited to add:



I love mocking Trump. But the most likely reason for that pause to me is that he was reading from the teleprompter, and there was some malfunction. The wrong text was showing, or a portion of a speech that he had decided he didn’t want to say, or something similar. That’s why he shakes his head, like he’s saying “No. Go to the next part.”

That said…why not tell reporters that? Instead of this nonsense about a musical interlude?

In fact…why not just say it was teleprompters if he really did freeze up?

I guess because only Joe ObidenBama is supposed to need teleprompters. Not a real he-man like Trump.

As usual…just weird. Whether it’s one way or the other.


It’s broke…

…about time.


Anyone know what the background story on the music is? Did some fascist composer make it especially for QAnon or something?


So he’s desperate to claim a defense against something that wasn’t claimed (hmm), and his defense is… he frequently does it? Given his weird expressions during that time (and that no sane person would stick in a random, 30 second pause for background music), I’m not sure I buy the claim that it was deliberate, and not him failing to deal with a teleprompter issue…

Yeah, he’s been going after Biden for using a teleprompter for years now. Which is, of course, hilarious, as Trump not only needs one, but frequently manages to screw that up, too. And he always, always makes it even weirder by pretending the screw up was intentional.


They got a CnD Letter for using the Imperial March :wink:


I agree that this isn’t the thing to mock him on, at least not “he locked up”. He’s standing there, staring into space. It seems like he is confused or something, like when he wandered away from the Beast after getting off AF1, but he didn’t lock up. Mitch McConnell locked up. I mean that’s a lock up - he was full blue screening.

I also don’t think it was teleprompters, since he loves to blame mistakes on someone all the time, usually random phantoms. I think he just lost track of everything and was spaced out. That’s accurate.


The song’s composer is pursuing legal action over the use of the song by Trump. Van De Crommert commented to the Washington Post that he does not support either Trump or QAnon.

It’s a song called ‘mirrors’ - it’s of course not used with any permission.


Yikes, I can scarcely imagine how shitty it must feel to be a creative person who learns that their art/music/brand/product has been appropriated by fascists. Seems to happen to a lot of decent people these days.


While speaking in Youngstown in support of J.D. Vance, whom he has endorsed as Ohio’s Republican nominee for the Senate, Mr. Trump delivered a dark address about the decline of America over music that was all but identical to a song called “Wwg1wga” — an abbreviation for the QAnon slogan, “Where we go one, we go all.”

As Mr. Trump spoke, scores of people in the crowd raised fingers in the air in an apparent reference to the “1” in what they thought was the song’s title. It was the first time in the memory of some Trump aides that such a display had occurred at one of his rallies.

Trump Rally Plays Music Resembling QAnon Song, and Crowds React - The New York Times


He expects everyone to believe that that silence was deliberate?

Nonsense. If his mind had been working as it normally does he would have used all that time and more to remind everyone how great he is.


I saw one comment that provided links to other recent speeches which showed that that is basically how the script goes. He performs with the same pause each time he gives this speech.

“The greatest nation in the history of the world.” - Wait 30 seconds for crowd to scream hysterically and start chanting while music plays - “But now we are a nation in decline.”

The problem with this speech was that either no one was screaming/chanting and no one bothered to remove the “pause for crowd” on the teleprompter, or, the microphones just didn’t pick up the crowd. Either way it looks weird in the video. If the crowd noise was there it would look fine.


It would be easier for the media to report only on occasions when Trump told the truth.


Also, “I routinely just stop in the middle of speeches for 30 seconds to a minute, and make strange faces, for reasons,” is weird even if it’s true.