Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/16/trump-maybe-hate-is-what-we.html
face it trumpkins - you voted for a racist.
His idea of an Apprentice series with whites vs. blacks takes the cake.
“Maybe hate is what we need if we’re going to get something done.”
Get something done? Like start a nuclear war? A civil war? Separate children from their parents in dentention camps? You mean that kind of hate? What a fucking moron. He needs to be done with.
“Why is it that no one accused Trump of being a racist until he decided to run for President?” scream the apologists who continue to ignore the fact that people have been successfully suing him for just that since the 1970s.
For context, he said that on Larry King when he was defending the fact that he’d been campaigning for the death penalty for the Central Park Five. He was asked if he was acting out of hatred and he said, “Of course I hate these people and let’s all hate these people because maybe hate is what we need if we’re gonna get something done.”
I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that a guy who was sued by the government for refusing housing to black people would really, really want to murder Blacks and Latinos.
god this man is such a cancer – the sooner we get him out of office and out of our lives the better the country will be.
“I have absolutely no compassion.”
I think that’s the first bit of true and honest self-reflection I’ve ever heard him utter.
It’s pretty amazing when providing the full context makes an already bigoted statement even worse.
Well, he still wanted to murder the Central Park Five after they were exonerated by DNA evidence, conclusively proving all he cared about was murdering black people.
I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: a super-rich person that you never hear from is scary enough, but a super-rich person that constantly opens his yap, tries to stay up in the media’s grill, and even tries to sway people’s thinking…now that’s a fucking nightmare come to life!
I believe that many already knew that or perhaps got a sense of it… hence their vote!
I burn hate like fuel. It keeps me going. Hatred for injustice, hatred for bigotry, hatred for rigged systems that keep people from realizing their full potential, hatred for religions that protect pedophiles, hatred for political corruption and for prisons and bad schools… burning up that hate to give me the passion I need to make a difference is my whole method.
Nothing can make me more indomitable than the clarifying, icy hot rage of a powerful hatred. I can forget my own limitations and ignore any amount of non-lethal physical harm when I’m burning pure hate; it’s apparently my superpower.
Somehow I don’t think President Trump meant the same thing, though. He’s not really a very passionate individual as far as I can tell.
He’s passionate about a lot of things.
Killing innocent black people. Eating three rectangular fast food meals a day. His daughter. He’s very passionate about her.
The most passionate. Tremendous passion. Nobody has more passion than him. You know it, I know it. Everyone is talking about it. People love how passionate he is.
“Maybe hate is what we need if we’re going to get something done”
Translation: “You, my people… racists, fascists, bigots… keep doing what you’re doing because doing so will help me and you achieve our ends.”
They know, they’ve always known
For many of them it seems that was a feature, not a bug.
He’s passionate about petty personal grudges and what specific individuals are saying about him. He’s passionate about TV ratings and who’s more popular than who else. Maybe there’s something wrong with him and he never got past puberty, or maybe this kind of nonsense is just the only thing he was ever good at.
Does he hate black people? Yes. He doesn’t care about politics. He didn’t decide he was a Republican until Obama was nominated by the Democrats. His passions are stuck in middle school but he selects his targets on the basis of skin color and he recruits his allies based on who else is blaming the same scapegoats.
This guy is broken.