Trump, on coronavirus deaths: 'A lot of people love me... I guess I’m here for a reason.'

And a lot of people hate you too.

Does the phrase “Freudian slip” even apply to someone like Trump? That was no slip-- he came right out and said, in so many words, “All I’m really concerned about is winning the election. Deaths? Small price to pay.”


Yes. See these two interviews, for example, from 1980 and 1988. You can absolutely see the roots of Trump’s foreign policy stuff there, like in the first one he talks about Iran holding American hostages, or how in the Oprah interview he talks about making US allies pay more. And it’s clear that he has always been a boastful, kind of boorish, bullying narcissist. But Trump used to be vastly more coherent and rational. He’s been seriously declining over the last decade or so, and it’s accelerated, fast, during his presidency. There’s a reason why actual professional people wonder about him having dementia.


Trump appears to be all id. There’s no superego telling him that something that he wants is a bad idea, so there’s no ego. Therefore he can’t have Freudian slips because he always says what he means.


That’s scary. His brain is absolute mush compared to back then. Maybe the scariest part is that if he was that coherent during his campaign, he probably wouldn’t be president right now.


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I think that we all need to ask our selves:
“what does reason have to do with it”?

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Literally the only counter argument I’ve heard :woman_shrugging:t3:


Remus finds you petty and resentful.


The soviet union imploded without needing any outside help. Mr Gorbachev had the courage to try and improve things. All Reagan had to do was not fuck it up… ok. I agree, he was better.


I fear if the media doesn’t find away to dodge his bullying, the election is his. He’s set the stage for anything under 250K deaths as a win, and he’ll beat that message relentlessly until November.

A few reporters have almost broke through recently. I know they have to toe a careful line to maintain access. I wish they could back each other up more, keeping the pressure on specific questions. But then he just switches to an OAN stooge.

Maybe Biden can beat him in debates?


Recent polling shows Trump losing to Biden in the general election, so don’t despair.


Polling showed Trump losing to Clinton in the general election. So do despair - or rather, work on figuring out how we’re going to live under President-for-Life Trump; what’s the next move after we lose this round? Are there worked examples of a right-wing dictatorship’s returning to the rule of law without first being destroyed in a total war?

Note that the polls matched Clinton’s general election performance quite well; Trump won because he got small wins in critical battleground states. So this might ease your anxiety a bit:

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Within the margin of error on the Friday before Election Day, and too close to call after the Comey bombshell.


South Korea.


Wow. I’d heard his name before and was aware of him in culture but I’d not heard him until he got into politics in the past few years. Pretty much when he started running for president and he was always an incoherent word salad spewing dullard. He’s quite okay when he was younger. I mean the content is bollocks for sure but it isn’t shining a light up your arsehole and injecting disinfectant level of bollocks. He really has declined. If he was your relative you’d be thinking about getting the papers in place for power of attorney.


“Trump suggests ‘injection’ of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and ‘clean’ the lungs.”

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What the actual f#@£!!!

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My impeached President really, really wants this crisis over. It’s affecting his re-election chances. He doesn’t care how many people die.


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