Trump on Mueller probe: 'I view it as an illegal investigation'

Well, his father was a lawyer, so…

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juts like wow i have learned so much from the scholars on this thread…a cave…can’t wait to take the kids

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“Cricket Union” ambient band name


Slight breach of etiquette there skipping the triple dare and going right to the triple dog dare but it’s understandable in this case.


What’s wrong with that? That’s exactly what I do whenever I talk politics with anyone who disagrees with me. We get a lot done!

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Ewww, needle-point. Can I get one with his fat, angry baby pose

The president saying an investigation is illegal feels a lot like obstruction of justice.


You simultaneously over- and underestimate the Moron in Chief.

He’s clearly goddamn terrified, but he’s too much of a coward to do anything himself. Think of the Omarosa firing - he didn’t even have the balls to fire her to her face, and acted like some random dude in H.R. fired her and he just didn’t have any power to do anything about it.

But he also knows that the investigation will continue whether or not he’s POTUS, and that even if the federal investigation is somehow killed, there are multiple state investigations that can and will absolutely wreck his shit.

He’s holding onto the Presidency because it’s pretty much the only reason he hasn’t already been charged. But everyone around him has figured it out, and they’re overtly distancing themselves from him and selling him up the river for any possible protection they can buy with that rapidly-devaluing currency.

But make no mistake - he’s going down very soon. Right now everyone is making a lot of fuss about how “DOJ guidelines won’t let a sitting President be charged”. For fuck’s sake, that’s one of the main reasons Mueller is sharing evidence with various state agencies: because they don’t have to follow federal guidelines, so if Sessions won’t let the DOJ charge Trump when the report drops, the state agencies will just move in and do their job for them. He’s clearly mapped out every escape path that Trump could plausibly take, and he’s planned for all of them. Trump is hanging onto a sinking ship, which, to be fair, is the rational decision when the ocean is full of sharks with laser beams strapped to their frickin’ heads.

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Captain of the failboat as it were.

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I can only hope that Mueller spills the beans right before the mid-terms and fucks every republican candidate in the country.


Trump is hoping to break the game before he loses it.


Later the same day…


It’s in the neighbouring parish to the one where his mother was born, so we can sell it to him on that.


Reading the Wikipedia article, there is a probability that he might even wipe out some species there.

Not a good idea, then. These species are, after all, the result of roughly 4.5 billion years of evolution. We should not take the risk of loosing them.
(For the same reason, my subantarctic islands idea is shit.)

But in general, such a rock seems appropriate, yes.

Who are these legal scholars?
Is he talking about the Law Firm of Dewey Cheatam & Howe ?


Spoken like every mobster ever.
Donald’s genius was to seek out Roy Cohn to be taught how to be a legal mobster. Wealth from (in no particular order) corrupting pols, serial bankruptcies, taking too much revenues out of businesses preventing them from functioning, special tax breaks for realty owners, screwing lenders, contractors and workers, threatening and bringing frivolous lawsuits, and enabling money laundering by criminals.
POS should have been busted years ago but Donald has always made money for the mainstream media, so they’d never hurt him – a wonderfully symbiotic relationship: He attracts an audience for them, they enable him to promote his fraudulent, fake life.


It depends on how badly he wants to stay king… i mean, President. Betcha he’ll not only fight tooth and nail to stay in office, but pressure every regressive still in Congress to repeal that ‘stupid’ law preventing presidents from serving more thn 2 terms. I can easily imagine him fantasizing about either “president for life” or being elected to office more times than Roosevelt. “I’m the biggliest bestest President that ever there was!”

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TRUMP is going to JAIL and he knows it !

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Oh, if only. Two-Scoops is painfully aware on some level of all the laws he has greased his way out of obeying, and becoming POTUS has put him under the kind of scrutiny that would have given him night terrors had it occurred while he was merely a private citizen. Now, though, Mueller has the right, duty and privilege of sifting through every dirty deal made in at least the past three years.
Two-Scoops’ next-to-worst nightmare amounts to Mueller permanently disrupting the illusion of Herr Drumpfenfuhrer’s actual wealth by revealing the massive debts hidden under all that fake gold leaf. The worst nightmare is permanently ruining his image among his base, but that might require mass-intervention and “de-radicalization” of every Trumpster.