Trump praises mass-execution of Muslims with bullets dipped in pigs' blood

/fingers in ears


Sorry, I have ALL hope for the future of humanity pinned on Bernie. You fucken better come through for us, America.


We’re not really gonna put this foul, obnoxious individual into the WH are we???
If we do, this country deserves exactly what it gets! WWIII within a year!

The rest of the world doesn’t.


I believe that Trump isn’t seeking broad public frustration. He is trying to reach the 10% who are frustrated by default. the non-voters who don’t care about politics because nobody reflects their simplistic views. The more noise he makes, the more likely he is able to reach them. If he can get those people to vote, he might have an unexpected opportunity.

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As if he wouldn’t provoke a vast swathe to turn up to the polls to vote against him!

rubs hand over face

I…I really can’t tell the difference, any more, between actual Trump news and satire sites.

Except I don’t think satire sites are doing anything on Trump these days because he always manages to one up them. After all, satire still has to make a certain amount of sense.


That’s why we have special ammunition for fighting Catholic countries - dipped in fish oil for Friday’s and in candy during Lent.

I guess the US’s enemies rub their ammunition with pages from evolution and logic texts.


any liquid will do, it just needs to be deep enough.


I’m with you, but dude, we always find a way to disappoint.


Aqua regia with some gold dissolved in it. Very classy.


Pretty fucking terrible. That being said, I’m hopefully that Sanders is doing so very well. That gives me a bit of hope.


Try this out…
“In 1893, Chicago, Illinois was host to a spectacular World’s Fair – The Columbian Exposition – that celebrated the anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of America. It was a boom time for the city and thousands of people came from all over the country to attend. Unfortunately though, the list of those “gone missing” at the end of the fair was extensive and as the police later tried to track down where these people had vanished to – the trail turned cold on the south side of Chicago. Everything was not as shiny and beautiful as the advertising for the Exposition’s “White City” would have everyone believe, for “a devil” that became known as America’s first real serial killer was alive and well on the city’s south side, luring visitors to his “hotel”, where scores of them vanished without a trace — never to be seen again.”


Easily my favorite part.

“Hey guys, I just want to get this out of the way but… I’ve killed 8 people. Don’t worry, they deserved it!”

And they let that guy go, lol.


Hans Reiser was a big deal in the Linux world in the mid-2000s. He developed a journaling filesystem called ReiserFS and was a really bright/technically skilled developer. He also killed his wife (for currently unknown reasons) and the results of that were a long, slow, completely insane circus show in court that included a former friend of Reiser’s who also dated Reiser’s wife (and who went to the same S&M dungeons) turning himself in for murdering other people. After the murder he was driving a car with one seat conspicuously recently removed and two books “Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets” and “Masterpieces of Murder” in the car. His behavior during the trial was… odd. Since he was a Linux guy it was in the tech news off and on while the crazy was happening.


Or, Hell, the actual incidents of the bloody campaign against the Moros, wherein Pershing killed a thousand non-combatants in Jolo, for instance, with something like 15,000 Moros killed in total. I mean, that’s how that particular conflict was won - monstrous amounts of bloodshed.


4,000 hours of community service in a poor urban neighborhood.



“Trump is Hitler” is a rather perfervid meme.

If anything, he is closer to a Peron, or a Huey Long. In fact, his economic “plan” is somewhat left-wing populist, and like Sanders’, it apparently relies upon securing the services of a magic dwarf who can spin straw into gold.


Trump is more akin to Berlusconi, I think… or il Duce, maybe. Sanders has some grounding in economic reality and some actual plans, unlike Trump who literally has nothing to offer but rank hatred of the other.


The hard to grasp thing about Trump, Palin, Cruz, et al, is that there are really smart people who agree with them and support them. The longer I live, the more I agree with Aristotle’s opinion regarding democracy. At the very least, how can we expect optimal outcomes without guaranteeing that every voter is well educated? And then what about the well educated people who are just assholes?