Trump praises mass-execution of Muslims with bullets dipped in pigs' blood

Morbid fantasies in this comment section scare me just as much as Trump’s silly blather.
Seems like everyone has someone else they want to murder in the most gruesome way imaginable these days.


Actually, I just think Trump should be humanely put down with an injection.

…Nah, come to think of it, sudden decompression.


Fachidiot. Come on, you knew there would be a German word for it.



Still nursing my inability to like.


My wife works with German heart surgeons, so the term gets used in our house from time to time :wink:


Trump’s apparent political viability makes me feel dirty and sad the next country over - I can only imagine what it’s like at ground zero :frowning:


I think Trump should just be granted less attention. Sites like Boing Boing or TYT are doing him a great service by turning his provocations into news and seeding them on the web until they produce enough noise that evryone thinks he is actually relevant in any way. I can go into any random pub and listen to the stuff he constantly emanates with the only difference that these so-called opinions will only be shared by one or two, not by thousands and then echoed back in a similarly irrational way.

Seriously, Trump is just an overly self-secure douchebag who feeds on attention.


Sure he’s relevant - a large proportion of the USAnian populace slurp up his drivel, which vividly illustrates just how broken and dangerous public discourse in the US has become.

I tell you what though - I’m not seeing nearly enough blame laid at Rupert Murdoch’s feet.

If the muslims are jews and Trump is Hitler, Murdoch is Goebbels squared.


Yes, he is relevant now because the media, left right and center, have a put him on that pedestral. Beyond the bigger-than-life image that this created, he’s just an annoying jerk with too much money and time to spare. The more his drivel gets shared, the more opponents and supporters he will have. Unfortunately, he can only win from that equation because the supporters are mainly those vote while the detractors are more often those who don’t.

Trump and Murdoch aren’t like Hitler and Goebbels, more like Bellusconi who, in turns, isn’t like Mussolini. They’re just guys who think they can buy the world. Fortunately, they can’t buy popularity. That they have to fight for, so don’t help them win that fight.


A person? Shit, I have a list.


I’m pretty sure the risk of increasing Trump’s popularity by posting comments about him here is vanishingly slight.

Anyway, if he somehow wins the Republican nomination it’ll make America’s conservatives a laughing stock, not to mention make a Democratic victory inevitable. So I really don’t see a downside, particularly given the entertainment value.


Well, as someone who lives in the country that once elected the most horrible, obnoxious Chaplin double ever for head-of-state, let me express my doubts. Trump has one big ace in his sleeve: dumb people like him, so if he can get enough of them to vote for once in their lives, he’s a winner. That’s his strategy.


Really, the effect of Boing Boing posts on Trumps popularity is likely to be vanishingly small.

ETA Oh snap! Kimmo beat me to it!


I’m only saying it’s part of the noise around him. Every part is a small part. TYT’s obsession with Trump (formerly with Cruz) certainly has a bigger impact.

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I get your point, but this kind of vile incendiary rhetoric spewing forth from the mouth of the front running republican candidate is pretty newsworthy. I don’t think it’s likely to be ignored.


Pigs are not kryptonite for muslims. For all those people who think muslims lose the ability to fly when they’re near pigs, no way, bro’


He certainly is unlikely to be ignored. He’s also the first candidate whose popularity is decided mainly on the internet, therefore every word enhances the perception that he is actually relevant. At the moment, he’s at times infuriating, at others laughing stock, or both but we shouldn’t forget that the chances that he achieves his goals exist and that fighting words make it seem to many as if these words had any substance.

Just consider the following dialogue:
“You had sex with a pig!”
“No I hadn’t!!”
“Well, prove it then. Everybody knows it’s true…”

See: the more the dialogue goes on, the more the irrational allegation materializes.

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The frankness is kinda refreshing. A (potential) US politician endorsing war crimes. Until know they just did it and then pointed their fingers at other countries politicians.


If you’re referring to Australia, Trump is missing something key that Abbott had access to - broad public frustration to direct into hatred of his opponents, leading to election by default. Trump meanwhile has drummed up a lot of hatred for him from outside his shockingly large but still somewhat contained fanbase, and has other, genuinely well-liked competitors to make his job a lot harder.


I’m not so sure about this statement. If it’s Hillary against The Donald, that’s a toss up. There will be so much crap flying around the airwaves and intertubes that it could go either way. I would not dismiss Trump out of hand. Just as I can’t dismiss Hillary out of hand, because by hook or by crook, she may be the nominee. It’s a toss-up at this point. Too early to tell, still.