Trump praises self for 'bringing back’ 5,000 Sprint jobs to U.S., says Softbank's Son assisted

Did these guys not do any research? This sounds like Iridium, and we know how well that turned out.

I wonder how well Trump will be able to keep up micromanaging (pun intended) this country, once he’s in office.

Iridium is doing just fine.

Again, he’s stated that he has little interest in the duties that accompany Presidency, he wants to run his businesses through proxies and “MAGA”. Pence will focus on eroding civil rights and the lobbyist/industry leaders will run the henhouse.

Trump exists solely to make ignorant Tweets and distract the media. He doesn’t have the attention to micromanage his own properties let alone handle them AND the direction of the nation.

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I agree completely. I have shoveled horse shit (while allergic to horses) and worked a call centre, and I felt cleaner shoveling horse shit. At the very least there was a sense of accomplishment after mucking out the stalls that I never had trying to meet the call centre’s toxic competitive requirements.


Katryn. Your first call resolution is up, but so is your time per call. You need to fix that time per call. But don’t let your first call resolution slip.


I had a friend who did phone support for a mobile carrier. When her job was service and support, she was happy and had great reviews. When her job was changed to sales and support, she hated it, and all of a sudden she was not getting great reviews. She ended up going back to a healthcare job that made her miserable, but at least it was less miserable than being told you are bad at a job you were not hired to do.


What makes you think that will happen, though?

Thanks for reminding me of my reoccurring nightmares.


Support is net negative, we really need to up those extended warranty quotas and accessory sales so that you pay for your job and don’t get fired.

People these days want low skill Best Buy sales floor, not tech support?

Pence will quietly continue to give tax breaks to outsourcing while Trump lies to the press.

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When the highest “good” is shareholder value… everything else suffers.


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