Trump pre-empts Israel's ban on Dem congresswomen with tweet implying he made them do it

you would think there would be consequences for trump making false claims about who these US Reps “hate”. Why does he get away with shit like this.


I agree as such, but 42 + 53 + 10 = 105.

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The political partnership between the US and Israel is pretty much non partisan.

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I’m in the 10%


No Rob, you’re in a league of your own that defies customary metrics.

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Well, it was


so much posturing from everyone. No one comes out looking “good” in any of this.

Having read this closely, Tlaib’s entire family seems to be standing up for their principles (even grandma), and Israel is gaslighting.


Oh I think she and her fam come out looking best in this. But I am not sure that is necessarily good.

The entire thing feels very
“I wanna do the thing!”
“You cannot do the thing!”
“They won’t let me do the thing!”
“Ok fine, you can do the thing!”
“NO! Now I don’t wanna do the thing!”

The whole thing never should have been a thing. She is a duly elected US official, she wanted to come visit an “ally” nation. They never should have been assholes and said no in the first place. But ya know the saying…

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Trump and Netanyahu seem pretty determined to make sure that’s not going to be the case moving forward. I don’t think Israel ever had so many public propaganda banners championing Democratic Presidents. And I can’t recall Israel ever banning a Republican congressperson from visiting no matter what kind of antisemitic drivel they espoused.


Ugh, what a couple of fucking world-burning, self-obsessed assholes. Dictators bring an added urgency to the need for clarity in the distinction between a nation’s attitude toward another nation with those nations’ governments’ stances toward each other.


Netanyahu expressed an active hostility for President Obama. I found that to be unprecedented in my life. I’ve always seen strong relations between the Israeli PM and the US President for my entire life, no matter what parties they’ve represented. I think it speaks volumes about Netanyahu. Here’s hoping they vote the bastard out.


Exactly. The message from leaders on both sides used to be “Israel and the U.S. are friends!”

Now the message “Netanyahu and Trump are friends, but those dirty Democrats are enemies of both Israel and the Jewish people as a whole.”


I suspect that will come as a big surprise to Democrats who are also Jewish…




They should also go to the detention camp in the Negev desert where Israel are holding African refugees.

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Wasn’t that their plan, but they had to go through Israel to get there?

Good question. Why is America tolerating this non patriot boggles the mind.

It wasn’t this simple. It was, “you can do the thing, and by the way here’s a huge list of shitty and unprecedented stipulations you must follow.”


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