Trump protected from attack by Satan

Jesus Christ.


Is dead and has been hollowed out in order to make a skinsuit for Mammon, Lucifer and Beezlebub.


A puppet leading its followers to Gehinnom.

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I’m not certain there’s actually anyone who actually worships satan.

The only satanists I have any direct experience talking with are all Satanic Temple people who I find to basically be “dinner theater atheists” as Sam Mulvey calls them. They’re good folks who just want the government to fucking be fair. Either the government must allow every city hall to become a mini-golf course full of all religions’ symbols and shit, or they stop favoring christianity. That kind of stuff.


I’m not convinced Jesus ever existed. The only people who seem to have any evidence about it already believe he existed and have a pretty big interest in perpetuating that belief. There’s no contemporary evidence Jesus was a thing outside of christianity.

I’m pretty sure the romans would’ve noticed and documented a lot of long-dead people climbing out of their graves and walking around jerusalem after the guy was crucified. Either that or the bible just isn’t a very reliable document.


The OP vid sure is showcasing some industrial-strength stupid… and there’s such mind-boggling quantities of it spread around.

It’s enough to single-handedly fuck the world, five times over. USA! USA! USA!


Dude, I’m Jewish. :wink: I don’t believe that Jesus actually physically existed either, for the reasons that you state, plus my own upbringing. I’m fairly sure, as are most serious scholars, that the Jesus figure of the Christian Bible is an amalgamation of oral tales of a number of itinerant gadfly rabbis from the time period that were written down and syncretized by their various disparate followers a generation or so after they died, and were then edited by the subsequent cult over the next few centuries into the final canonized form as they split from mainstream Judaism. Given that we have Roman court documents for petty thieves’ sentences, and yet nothing for a Yeshua of Nazareth’s apparently high-level sentencing, that’s pretty indicative on its own.

However, that’s not what I was referring to when I said “Jesus Christ is dead” in that post. What I was referring to was that the religious image of Jesus has had the ideals, morals, and social concepts that are key and core portions of the actual teachings of the Christian religion removed, and replaced with a faith that I have dubbed “The Church Of Mammon”.


i’m hearing, a lot of people are saying and it’s on the internet that among those in attendance were appalachian snake handlers handling his rod and his staff.

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no smoke… must see smoke

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No, they are just protecting Trump from himself… :neutral_face:


And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouched towards Bethlehem to be born?


There is evidence. But it’s quite flimsy.

Exchange the names and job titles and that is true for all religions.


I may have said this elsewhere. But if you pray too much God just considers it whining. That’s why not all prayers get answered.

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Had no idea you were so high placed in the org!

Please report to the current Lounge thread and let us know which payments have been received.


And God replied, “Okay, I’ll give him the strength, but he’s not going to lead your country. Have you seen how the Electoral College is shaping up?”

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There’s no physical evidence or coeval writing for Siddhārtha Gautama but I believe historians generally acknowledge that he was a real individual.

Also L. Ron Hubbard was definitely an actual guy.


Yeah, the whole “Jesus didn’t even exist in the first place, man!” thing feels especially solipsistic and agenda-driven, and not the type of idea that’s taken very seriously outside of a few scholars who populated the idea, and a shit-ton of college sophomores who didn’t like being dragged to church when they were kids.


Well, extraordinary claims require extraordinary at the very least ordinary evidence. Roman writings later refer to Christians, but no mention of Christ’s life survives. Nobody doubts that Christians later existed in Rome, but whether they were followers of a specific historical individual or a syncretic amalgam of maverick rabbis is not specified.

Similarly, there is no evidence that the Jews were ever enslaved en masse in Egypt, another culture that kept extensive records of itself. You’d think they’d take some note of: ten devastating plagues wiping out crops and causing a pandemic of debilitating skin disease and culminating in the death of all firstborn sons of Egypt, and then a Pharaoh and his army getting drowned chasing thousands of escaped slaves across the magically parted Red Sea, but I dunno, maybe they were too embarrassed about all that.



These people are ignorant, brainwashed lunatics.
Btw, The Church of Satan has nothing to do with the fictional character of The Devil, apart from using the term Satan as a representation of their adversity to other organised religions.
We don’t care for your gods or your demons, as they are only man-made constructs of fear&hope-control.
Those other guys that worship some actual Satan guy, well (whoever they are), they’re a different story - wolves in sheeps clothing, methinks!

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