Trump responds to "golden showers" Russian report with hysterical ALLCAPS tweet

Poor Donald. Everyone is against him.


Every time I see him reference “movement” I think about the book named “The Movement” that Nathsn Fielder had a body builder fake write. All a joke but ended up on the news. How fitting.


Specifics of the case aside; what baffles me is how Trump ever managed to acquire a reputation for deal-making with this sort of temperament.

It’s not exactly news that emotional manipulation(whether it be flattery or baiting the target into a blind rage) is a great way to get somebody to act markedly more foolishly than they otherwise would. It’s considered a bit tacky to do it too overtly(though that doesn’t always stop people); but if your chances of ‘winning’ a negotiation if you can’t keep a cool head aren’t terribly impressive unless you are starting from such a commanding position that just cowing the opposition is an option.

Has his relative success thinned his skin? Did he historically use his(apparently pretty good, if his primaries-putdowns are anything to go by) ability to sniff out soft targets and weaknesses, and throw the target into an affective tailspin before the target did the same to him? Has he actually made ‘lose your shit at any provocation’ work for him?


So does this count as confirmation that intelligence did brief him on the whole thing?


What I find interesting about his tweet isn’t the fact that he denied it (of course he did) or that he used ALL CAPS. It’s his use of the the term “witch hunt.” A witch hunt is when you’re looking for a guilty party SO HARD that you’re going to “find” somebody to finger, even if they aren’t guilty, Like the Salem witch trials, or the red scare. This may well be a smear job, but it is not a witch hunt at all. That may sound like I’m being pedantic, but to me this indicates how poorly Trump understands what things mean. It is a reflexive “I must fight back and call this a [bad thing]” and like the scene in the original Terminator movie a string of possible responses flash past and he just picks one at random. He’s just using words without understanding them.


“I wonder if they’ll talk about leaking”

It Depends.


He has a weird habit of latching on to certain terms and repeating them without apparently knowing what they mean.

My favorite is his repeated defense of his mockery of reporter Serge Kovaleski – of all the things to claim that he was mocking with spastic gestures and seizure vocals, “groveling” is the weirdest thing he could’ve chosen. Sure, Donald. When I want to indicate someone’s groveling, I pretend to have a seizure.


…and in his last dying breath, he orders the release of the nuclear arsenal to stop an armada of alien ships from attacking.

I want to see that movie.


I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of leaked info on the new president’s constant state of corruption. This little rivulet will turn into a waterfall, mark my words.


Fake news?


Oh god! The 4channers can time travel now? We’re screwed! All of history is screwed!


There’s a right wing spin on the gesture he made that he does it all the time whenever he mocks anyone. Which…not sure if that really makes the gesture more acceptable or not. Yeah “spaz” is the adult way that we talk about our detractors.


Not ALL history!


Soooo…it’s funny, but what if the report is TRUE? This guy is about to become president. What’s going to happen?


Ya know how some older buildings have a little plaque on the wall next to the bed, noting President So-and-so Slept Here?


I can’t find a site hosting the original comics, but has anyone ever read Space Moose?

(just a badly drawn cartoon, but content definitely NSFW)


I’ve been told several times by Trump fans that this is how he always mocks people. The proof they always point to is this story on cough, which has video of him mocking Ted Cruz by wiggling his hands. But in context, every time he does the wiggly-hands “duh uhhhh” thing, it’s when he’s making fun of someone for being stupid, crazy, spastic, or a “bad talker”. In other words, it’s exactly like a 3rd grader calling someone “retarded”.


He probably deals with two broad kinds of negotiating partners: those who believe his “Aht a da Deal” hype and those who have his number.

For the first type of person, he uses a combination of “do you know who I am?” bullying, bluster and grifting (he’s reported to be very personable one-on-one when he wants something), building on his public media reputation as a business genius. This is the kind of person who always ends up getting stiffed by him when it’s time to write the cheques.

The second type of person knows how to manipulate him, flattering him in private about what a great and astute business genius he is and making low-cost concessions while simultaneously relieving him of his watch and wallet. If the second type of person wants more such opportunities, he’s wise to sing his praises in public, too – it only builds his monumental ego further (and thins his skin more when people who don’t do deals with him point out what a narcissistic clown he is).

Mobbed-up contractors and perhaps some of his wives fall into that second category, one which Putin is excited to join. For example, it looks like he planning on creating a false threat about the Baltics, then publically backing down in the face of #nextpresident’s awesomeness (meanwhile taking further control of Ukraine).


Jesus H. Christ.

Not that I don’t think Trump is above it, but this seems incredibly unverifiable at this point.

I get it - Trump BAD!

But the CIA and “news orgs” putting this out there with out fact checking is just damaging the cause.

It was said Nazism or the like could never happen here, today because they can’t suppress the information anymore. That is still true to a degree. But now I see what could happen - you put enough chaff* in air and no one can discern reality from made up shit. So when the stories of people being shipped off in cattle cars pop up, people will assume it is just made up news. Or is is made up news, and others totally believe it.

  • chaff is bits of metal planes can disperse in the air to create a “cloud” on radar, helping to hide their location for a bit.

My guess is that they would put washable mattress covers on the bed. After each guest, a new one would be put on, and the old one laundered. My mother once locked a cat in my bedroom when I was away for a week, and the cat did its business on the bed. After washing the cover, there was no trace of anything amiss.

Even if this isn’t what they do, you can tell yourself this and maintain the illusion of a less-disgusting world.