Trump ridicules Christians in private

Well, that’s one thing I have in common with him.


Absolutely the core does, but at what point are we willing to write that core off and stop throwing good effort after bad? I honestly don’t know if giving Trump’s supporters a way to save face is worth it when it involves covering up what Trump is and what he was selling. I’m not saying it will be the equivalent of the Lost Cause myth that plagues us to this day, but the principle is somewhat comparable: giving terrible people a way to save face that twists reality is dangerous.


Yeah - this needs a tape to get any traction.

Hey Mary Trump!


It’s important to remember that all the people at the top of the fundie ladder are just like Trump.


When will you Libs realize, he was just being SARCASTIC! /s


They should have got infected with One True instead; it takes up less headspace.

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Headlines aside, that’s actually the lede from the article. Grift respects grift.


I mean, 9 hours of audio explicitly detailing how his lies led directly to 205,000 American deaths didn’t even last a week in the news cycle (yes, he’s responsible for all of them, IMO). You underestimate just how quiet it is under all of that sand. :wink:


Both Trump and the Evangelicals are in the same business: selling bullshit. Its called synergy. LOL


There’s two kinds of Conservative Christians in the USA:

Evangelicals who would vote in the Antichrist himself if it promised the return of Jesus and “restoration” of God’s Laws to the USA.

Then there’s the opportunistic American Christians who haven’t been in a church in quite awhile if at all, who could recite 'nary a bible verse, and who really are quite awful bigoted assholes, but by golly they believe the bullshit about God and The American Flag and Puppies and Country Music and Apple Pie, and they’ll gladly check the Christian box on the questionnaire as their Patriotic duty.

I’m sure there’s LOTS of crossover these days. But to agree with the article’s main premise, Trump’s moral character has absolutely nothing to with their decision: Liberalism with its gay marriage, abortion, and hedonism is by far a worse enemy.


There is a group who call themselves Red Letter Christians, because they read from Bibles which have everything Jesus supposedly said printed in red ink. The founders of the movement claim that it is supposed to be apolitical, but in practice most of the followers tend to be at least left leaning.






Thanks for spotting that. totally missed it when composing my post.


I mean. There’s a surprisingly good case to be made that they are doing exactly that.


It’s a political partnership, a deal struck with the religious right leadership, with each side getting what they wanted. He wants their support, which the leadership delivered in spades, and in return he picked on of theirs for VP and now they get one of theirs for SCOTUS.


And hundreds of conservative judges in the lower courts, to serve for decades to come.


Right wingers be like:


Most Trump supporting Evangelicals that I know will say that the goal is to save the precious babies that become not so precious once born. Of course effective things like education and subsidized accessible birth control are just a means of enabling sin so that is off the table. I always point out the successful Colorado subsidized program that has proven to be cost effective but the fundies would step over dollars to pick up pennies if it means denying “free stuff” to the impoverished. The goal is to ensure that unauthorized sex is punished with a child.


I’m pretty sure even Jesus thinks poorly of today’s Christians, but He’s too good of a person to ridicule them in public. He probably just pities them and shakes His head in disgrace.

“I said to love one another as if you were kin, very simple . . . and instead I get endless debates about ‘my nature’, Team Pope fighting against Team Luther, and gullible fools thinking I gave them the power to speak in Ancient Sumerian while their body convulses and their minister holds up a snake.”


I don’t think it’s just the core, though, it applies to most people who vote for Trump.

It’s curious that you appear to think the only way of giving them a way to save face is covering things up or twisting reality? (even or especially though “reality” not as “real” as some might like to think).

This is more about allowing people back into the community, and helping them deal with the emotion that comes from understanding what they did. You need to welcome them back and forgive them, without them being afraid of you telling them they were stupid, losers, weak-minded idiots falling for a con man, because if you look down on them they will have nothing whatsoever to gain from turning their back on Trump. As Trump supporters they at least have a community of peers who accept them.

Remember they are, first and foremost, fellow human beings, who somehow somewhere have lost their way, and I’m afraid the very moment we forget that they are just like us is the moment we start losing our’s, too. Because in the end it’s down to mere luck each of us has not become one of them.

That doesn’t mean it’s not ok to be angry at them, or desperate, or shout at them, of course, after all we’re only human, too

Have a listen to James O’Brian, his reaction its nothing short of amazing.

Yeah, well, some of them might be lost forever, but if you win that election, you will have to bring the rest of them round eventually anyway, otherwise you’ll have a similar situation again in a few years. A nasty problem you don’t deal with will come back worse to haunt you again. The good thing is, it will give you another opportunity for dealing with it. The bad thing is, you might be even more exhausted then.

Maybe you’ll need a special new kind of social service that reintegrates Republicans into society?