Trump ridicules Christians in private

There is a simple way of a Trump supporter saving face: Just stop being a Trump supporter.

Take down the Trump flag, take down the Trump sign, you don’t even need to put up a Biden sign. Stop wearing the hat. Stop talking up Trump. If someone asks if you support Trump, say No. If someone close to you asks why you stop supporting Trump, just say that he got too far out there.

And yes, we need to make sure that we support people who have stopped supporting Trump.


And the Mind Virus is called “Religion”


We have some diverging first principles, I believe. And that’s ok.


That worked out pretty well so far, I take it?

I think a refusal to acknowledge that is part of what’s driving the fervor of the Trumpers, though.

Yeah, this. Because they can’t acknowledge it (without being destroyed), they have to double down and deny all reality (at first about Trump, but increasingly about everything) to maintain their equilibrium. I’m not sure what the ego-safe “out” is that they need to jettison Trump and return to reality. I’m not sure there is one. Too much of what’s important to them is tangled up with Trump - fear of the loss of power/status, the end of white supremacy, the end of their “Christian” culture, hatred of the political other, etc.

Based on my first-hand knowledge, I’d say you’re describing one kind of American conservative Christian - the group varies in how often they go to church, but they’re united in culture.


gawd, I hate that dude’s schlock-ass paintings.
if Kincaide - gag - is the so-called “painter of light”, this asshole is certainly the “painter of the coal black soul”.
And that gives both of them far too much credit. blech


Funny, I don’t see Timothy McVeigh, Charles Lindbergh, or George Lincoln Rockwell anywhere.


I think the evangelicals have successfully twisted their logic to something like ‘He is a flawed vessel but he is God’s chosen one’. So no matter his massive flaws they justify their support because he is doing (what they see as) God’s work - punishing nonwhites and the poors, dehumanizing women etc. etc.

He is a classic ‘strongman’ in the authoritarian style - examples abound from Napoleon to Chavez, from Hitler to Maduro. The one thing they all must have is a projection of physical power and infallibility. To show weakness of any kind is to crack the superman illusion. He must also be seen to be impervious to mockery. Once they are laughing at you it is all over.

Focus on his physical weaknesses and failings. It’s shitty but it is the only thing that will cause them to waver. Best case, show him to be a doddering fool on camera, repeatedly. Make him say stupid things, then point out just how stupid they are. Laugh at him, to his face, when he says stupid things, and point out in clear terms just how stupid those things are.

I sincerely hope that Biden mops the floor with him in the debates. If he can make a point of laughing out loud when Trump (inevitably) says something both blatant and stupid, better yet laugh every time, he will crush the man’s image. Of course, he will also trigger Trump into a dramatic escalation in stupidity and bluster, potentially to the point of meltdown.

There is nothing a bully hates more than to be the butt of the joke, especially if he doesn’t understand it.


I hear that all the time. “God can work His will through flawed men.”

The question I never seem to get an answer to is "if God can work His will through someone as flawed and sinful as Trump, what makes you so sure God can’t work His will through someone like Joe Biden, a person who actually does appear to be an actual Christian?


This takes a certain amount of self-confidence to do, something I feel most trumpers are completely lacking.


Like with the GOP, Donnie’s been a great tool for the evangelicals. Nothing he can do will eclipse they’re satisfaction with his performance. That he’s a fouled POS of a human being is irrelevant. Of course, if they were truly decent themselves and not heretics, it might be different, but it isn’t.

Biden does that anyway, especially when attacked.

I think it would be nice if he said: “Good evening Don, can I call you Don?”

And: “I knew Bo Biden and you, sir, are no Bo Biden”.

Trump gives them everything they could want: conservative judges, Jerusalem, anti-abortion, anti-muslim, their mannequin Pence a heartbeat away, (with racism, sexism, anti-immigrant, anti-trans, 2nd Amendment tossed in for free)! From the christian point of view, any “ridicule” can be seen as just noise to hide how much he actually supports them.


There is no such thing as a Christian Trump supporter. Christianity and Trumpism are antithetical and mutually exclusive. Trump supporters are adherents of a sect that is an offshoot of Christianity, but has morphed to become so different from Christianity that it can no longer really be considered the same religion. For example, did you know that Christianity as a religion is not primarily concerned with abortion or homosexuality? Did you know that Christianity as a religion actually supports measures to care for the poor? Did you know that Christianity as a religion is not overly concerned with individual wealth and urges adherents to reflect on their own sins rather than the sins of others? You would never suspect these from what mainstream “Christianity” has become in America.

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Ezekiel 18:21 if wicked people turn away from all their sins and begin to obey my decrees and do what is just and right, they will surely live and not die.

Exactly! No True Christian is a Trumpist. Wait.

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